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The Navy is taking first steps toward rebuilding the base, which has been struck by double earthquakes


The Independence Day 2019 holiday resulted in two twin earthquakes and thousands of aftershocks that shook the California village of Ridgecrest, connecting roads, lighting broken natural gas lines and breaking home furniture.

The navy station of the Chinese Navy, a base that starts three miles north of the city and spans over 1.1 million acres, was also damaged. Earthquakes of 6.4 and 7.1 were rocked by the installation of the Mojave Desert, and they rocked nearly 1,200 facilities as researchers create and test some of the world’s most advanced weapons.

It has been declared that about 20 percent of the facility’s buildings are unsafe, and many buildings require replacement. According to a 2019 government report submitted to the Navy Times, the estimated costs of returning China Lake to what officials call a task-capable case could amount to $ 2 billion.

A Marine statement said last week, the Southern Command of Marine Facilities Engineering took an early step in this rebuilding process by awarding a $ 100 million contract to build 25 new ammunition magazines in addition to an inactive storage facility.

“This is the first major new construction project that has been supported to support NAWS China Lake’s efforts to recover the earthquake and is an important part of restoring the installation to its full operational capacity,” Capt. Mike Oysterercher, a NAVFAC Southwest commanding officer, said in the statement. .

In the aftermath of the earthquakes, more than 30 magazines considered storage ammunition “unsuitable for continuous use” and no longer “able to withstand the pressure of the explosion,” according to the report. The aftershocks caused more damage to the shattered ammunition storage facilities, which support the main mission of Lake China as an air weapons station.

In addition to designing and building new magazines, the contract announced last week will cover the demolition of severely damaged munitions facilities.

China Station Earl Station Station Lake is located in the western stretch of Mojave Desert, larger than Rhode Island. (US Geological Survey) Register for the Roundup Navi Times Daily News

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“Critical operations and [Research Development Test and Evaluation] The support of the fleet was adversely affected by the affected magazines, as ammunition was stockpiled in a handful of remaining magazines or shipped out of the base to other locations, Oysterercher said.

“This project will restore that lost capability and help return NAWS China Lake to full readiness.”

However, it may take years to return to previous al Qaeda readiness levels, with only $ 2 billion in repair covered by the base itself.

“It is important to note that this cost is a rough estimate of the infrastructure infrastructure recovery only, and does not include specialized equipment, furniture, machine tools, telecommunications assets, consumables or non-utility costs” that were damaged during earthquakes, said Captain Mark K. Edelson, officer in the Southwest Naval Engineering Engineering Lead, for the Navi Times website.

A number of aircraft hangars, weapons testing facilities, and propulsion laboratories – which feature missile components, guided missiles, free-fall weapons and other ammunition – have sustained irreparable damage.

Structural cracking made the buildings unsafe, the bolts were cut off the support beams, the stairs suffered from seismic joint failure and separation, the burst water pipes sank the buildings, and the heating, ventilation, and air-conditioning units moved after the walls were bent inward.

The report states that “the loss of China’s lake propulsion laboratories leads to the inability to support critical weapons” and the ability of damage to “the ability to carry out combustion sciences, ammunition, propulsion, explosive synthesis, mixing, and casting activities.”

Meanwhile, Navy officials say they hope a major reconstruction project will simplify future operations in Lake China, where more than half of the buildings were erected before 1980 – some during World War II – and not at the level of the current earthquakes.

“This critical investment will bring our ability to store weapons to the modern era and will support testing programs for current and future weapons systems,” Captain Jason Sherman, the officer in charge of the Naval Seafaring Station, said in the statement.

“The most important thing in China Lake, these new magazines will be seismic classified according to modern standards to increase environmental resilience.”

Officials estimate that the magazine’s construction project will be completed by August 2022.


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