The Governor of Idaho vetoed bills that limit emergency powers
BOISE – Idaho Gov. Brad Little says he will veto two bills aimed at curbing his ability to respond to emergencies like the coronavirus pandemic.
The announcement was not made on Friday, as four former rulers expressed their support for the decision.
Little said the bills violate the state constitution and threaten the safety and economy of Idaho residents, by restricting the state’s ability to take swift action during emergencies such as earthquakes, droughts and floods.
“The bills narrow the authority of future rulers to the point where the governor cannot deploy the National Guard to facilitate vaccine administration or repair bridges after a massive earthquake,” Little said in a statement. “We know that future emergencies will include floods, fires and droughts … Idaho’s future rulers must be able to respond quickly and protect lives and livelihoods.”
Lawmakers, dissatisfied with the state’s response to the coronavirus pandemic, have targeted rules limiting gatherings and unnecessary travel, as well as the ruler’s authority during local natural disasters such as wildfires and floods.
“These bills are a quick emotional reaction to the anger over the pandemic and some of my decisions during a very uncertain time last year,” Little said. “But I still think, when I faced difficult decisions and given the information I had at the time, I acted in a balanced way while responding to the pandemic, and the strength of our economy today proves that.”
All of the state’s living ex governors – Butch Otter, Phil Pat, Dirk Kempthorne and US Senator Jim Risch – said they support the veto.
After Little’s announcement, the House Republican Rally issued a statement describing the state’s emergency laws as “an outdated leftover from the Cold War era.”
“This is just an update of the system and not a comment on the job that any elected official performs,” said Megan Blanksma, chair of the majority caucus. “We still believe that this legislation is important for achieving the appropriate balance between the executive and legislative branches of Idaho, and it is regrettable that the current governor appears to be taking this issue personally.”
The two bills target the ruler’s emergency powers during man-made events such as terrorist attacks and local natural disasters such as forest fires and floods, as well as epidemics. Both allow the governor to declare a state of emergency and extend it for 60 days, but only to ensure continued federal funding. Both bills would require any restrictions accompanying the governor’s order that expire after 60 days unless renewed by the legislature.
The bills would also prevent the governor from imposing some restrictions during the state of emergency. A governor’s emergency order cannot prevent people from going to work or gathering, including religious services. It also cannot isolate healthy people.
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