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Three observations from the Houston Dynamo’s earthquake victory


Houston Dynamo kicked off their season at BBVA last Friday night with a 2-1 home win over San Jose Earthquakes. Dynamo seemed in control for most of the match, but a great goal kept “earthquakes” in and created a great finishing touch. However, the three points are three, and here are three from the opening game on Friday night.

1) The Houston Dynamo was reduced to defense and Tab Ramos decided to place Oscar Bunnick Garcia in the center of the defense, which confused everyone. The game’s plan was largely to press and win the ball in midfield to capture the ball from San Jose removing any pressure from a longtime Dynamo midfielder. This strategy eliminated any threat from the San Jose attackers in the first half and the start of the second half.

This was a good plan because it gave Dynamo good chances to score (more on that later) and took the opportunities away from San Jose. Dynamo seemed in control and players like Joe Corona were making long passes in the feet of the attacking players and it all seemed like a genius.

2) Credit where credit is due, San Jose brilliantly reshuffled midway through the second half. They came out better in the first half than they did in the first half, but the substitutions they made really came in their place. Matthias Almeida’s team knew that as the match continued, with two goals ahead, the Houston team was seated deeper which opened up more possession and the opportunity to counter-attack. Players like Shea Salinas and Paul Marie were particularly effective in those areas. Mary’s goal, which was incredibly objective, was to give them life and they tried to increase it. Not only did Houston try to increase its lead during the San Jose hike, but that brings us to our other quick-thinking.

3) Houston must do better with its end. This match could have been 4-1, but it ended 2-1 tense with flashbacks of a sudden advance not long ago in the collective minds of Dynamo fans. There were many really good chances, and a lot of credit went to Dynamo for two goals, but there were some chances so close that Houston had to bury this match instead of letting San Jose stay in it. Memo Rodríguez was scoring at one point and hitting one over the crossbar and Maxi Urruti was free to take one, essentially hitting the goalkeeper. Now, these two players scored in this match but I think until they both agree that they want to take back those chances.

Realizing these opportunities could be the difference between a win and a draw or a draw and lose. Good teams do and Dynamo could have alerted the league to a dominant 4-1 victory, putting into doubt all who thought this team wasn’t good enough. But even though they had all three points and played well enough, a lot of people would still have questions about this team going forward into the second week.

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