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Sparta: 1.4-magnitude earthquake


The center of Sparta is a 1.4-magnitude earthquake

Updated: 11:28 PM EST on April 28, 2021

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Newsletter. Kenny: Right now, Winston-Salem Police are looking for the firing of minors. It happened at around 6:15 p.m. on North Glen Street, north of Reynolds Airport. He told us that their injuries are not life threatening. Detectives say the shooter was wearing acid-washed jeans with a black hoodie and a skeleton-shaped face >> ANDY JR. Tolerated. His voice now is those cameras. This is how he will talk to us. This will be his side of the story. Kenny: This is Andrew Brown’s authority, in response to the judge’s decision not to disclose his death records to the public. However, the family will be allowed to view all the videos. It was one week ago that the Elizabeth City House of Representatives was shot and killed, Andrew Brown, while presenting the warriors drugs. The city is still under a state of emergency. Protesters came out again tonight, demanding that the world be able to witness Brown’s final moments. Police say 25 people refuse to be distracted. The mobile field force units are moving in to start making arrests again. Daryl Forges is enjoying more hearings today, and what will happen next. >> I heard statements being made, well, he might have reached the MPs or he might have done that, well, show us the video. Reporter: One week after Andrew Brown Jr. fatal confrontation with law enforcement, days of protests calling for transparency, Judge Jeff Foster, – transparency. >> The court found that a good reason does not exist for the media petitioners to petition and thus this petition is respectfully dismissed. Reporter: Deprivation of frustration. >> Andy Jr. Tolerated. His voice now is those cameras. Reporter: What is the ideal result? >> Release. Reporter: Full release? Because? >> For the community. Transparency. Reporter: The judge agreed to allow the Brown family along with one attorney to view the photo, but with limitations, >> Five full video cameras with only face features for ministers that were on the scene ID also had the name tag to be deleted or obscured. Reporter: Now, senior North Carolina officials are criticizing the state law on releasing videos. >> I think North Carolina law actually has an effect. It creates the assumption that it is not a public record. >> Changes must be made to ensure fairness in our justice system and to stand up to racial injustice in North Carolina. Reporter: In Elizabeth, North Carolina, I’m Daryl Forges. Brianna: North Carolina ACLU is not happy with today’s ruling. Their statement reads in part, when execution of a guarantee turns into someone’s execution, North Carolina residents should be able to decide which representation they have with them when asking for answers. Kenny: The Greensboro Police Department participated in a hypothetical discussion about body repair cameras. The Tonight event was organized by the Greensboro Criminal Justice Advisory Committee. Members talked about current laws, and how the city is using both body cameras and DASHCAM recordings. Each employee is assigned the rank of attorney and above on BODYCAM, regardless of whether or not they are in uniform. It must be activated before reaching the service request, or when activating emergency equipment in the police cruiser. Organizers hope there will be more events like this in the future. Brianna: Today, the lawyers in the General Assembly discussed the Republic-backed criminal justice reform package. Includes databases to identify those responsible for problems staying on the job. It expanded mental health assistance to others. The measure received validation from many law enforcement groups and local attorneys. The Judicial Committee could vote next week. New night, County Commissioners FORSYTH are considering setting up a new healthcare company for inmates in the detention center. Last year, protesters for social justice called for the former county detention center to end his contract with Wellbath. John Neal was under their care in prison when he sustained wounds that led to his death, leading to weeks of demonstrations. Earlier this month, the evaluation team came up with the evaluation criteria, and a company called NAPHCARE won the highest overall rating. Next Thursday, commissioners will vote on a resolution awarding NAPHCARE A a contract

The center of Sparta is a 1.4-magnitude earthquake

Updated: 11:28 PM EST on April 28, 2021

The United States Geological Survey (USGS) recorded a 1.4-magnitude earthquake near Sparta Wednesday afternoon, and the earthquake was 2.5 miles east-southeast of Sparta and 1.3 miles deep, according to the US Geological Survey it happened at 3:19 pm, click The video player above for headlines from WXII 12. As of 10:50 pm, no one has reported feeling an earthquake in the USGS, and this is the fourth earthquake in North Carolina in the past three weeks Includes previous earthquakes: April 17 at 4:33 pm Morning – at 2.0 degrees – 3.1 miles west of Statesville, April 20 at 7:53 am – 1.7 degrees – 1.2 miles southeast of Sparta – April 21 at 3:24 pm – 2.3 degrees – 3.7 miles southeast of Sparta

Sparta, North Carolina –

The United States Geological Survey recorded a 1.4-magnitude earthquake near Sparta on Wednesday afternoon.

The US Geological Survey said the quake was about 2.5 miles east-southeast of Sparta and 1.3 miles deep. It happened at 3:19 PM

Click the video player above for headlines from WXII 12 News.

As of 10:50 p.m., no one had reported their sense of the earthquake to the US Geological Survey.

This is the fourth earthquake in North Carolina in the past three weeks.

Previous earthquakes include:

April 17 4:33 a.m. – 2.0 degrees – 3.1 miles west of Statesville Apr 20 7:53 a.m. 1.7 degrees – 1.2 miles southeast of Sparta – April 21 3:24 p.m. 2.3 degrees – 3.7 miles southeast of Sparta.

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