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SFVJACC maintains tsunami memorial service

SFVJACC maintains tsunami memorial service
SFVJACC maintains tsunami memorial service


Koichi and Keiko Saichi. Koichi hypothetically spoke to the gathering from Miyagi-ken about the struggle of the victims of the 2011 Tohoku earthquake and tsunami.

The Japan Tsunami Memorial Service (JET) was held approximately during the tenth anniversary of the Great East Japan Earthquake, sponsored by the Japanese American Community Center in the San Fernando Valley.

The multi-religious service was performed by Reverend Sala Sikia of San Fernando Valley Hongwangi Buddhist Temple, Reverend Karen Murata of United Chatsworth Methodist Church, Reverend Roland Hazama of Cross Wise Church in San Fernando Valley, and Reverend Paul Iwata of Sunrise Japanese Foursquare Church. Pray for the dead, missing and injured in the 9.0 earthquake.

San Fernando Valley Tyco opened the JET program led by Red Taguchi. Guest speaker Koichi Saichi from Miyagi Ken spoke about the recent updates. He and Co-Chairman Kimiaki Chiba personally lost five members of their family, including Koichi’s father. A total of 15,899 people have died and 2,527 are still missing.

“Maybe their souls were lost in the Pacific Ocean,” Saichi said. “Maybe my mother wanted to live in a place overlooking the ocean so that the soul of these missing people could see her. I hope these lost friends and family will comfort my mother.”

A boy orphaned by the disaster.

“The city has been washed away and lost its original appearance. I feel sad that it has changed so much but roads and public facilities have been improved on higher grounds, making them safer and more comfortable than before. All national government reconstruction projects will be completed this year. The fishing industry is regaining its former vitality.

“Humans can never forget the benefits of assistance when they are in trouble.”

Saichi represented the family during her previous JET fundraising in 2012 and 2016.

A brief report was provided by EGAO, an eight-year-old nonprofit organization, by President Yoshiko Kawada. They supported Kumamoto, Ecuador and the Tohoku earthquake victims with Japanese artefacts.

The program concluded with the song “Flowers Will Blossom Again” sung by Harriet Furuya in English and Japanese.

Co-Chair Nancy Oda led a call to action, thanking everyone for their large and small donations, totaling $ 20,000. Proceeds will be transferred to the “One Coin, 2000 Supporters” project, which was 1,782 children who lost one or both parents due to the earthquake and tsunami in 2011. Their mission is to continue to support these children up to the youngest child who was still in the mother’s womb on March 11, 2011. She graduated from high school in 2030.

Substantial donations from Akira Fujimoto, EGAO, San Fernando Valley American Japanese Community Center and Society will make a difference in the lives of the orphans. Donations will be accepted until May 20. Go to and click on the donate link.

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