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Rubavu was shaken by multiple earthquakes that followed the Nyiragongo eruptions – KT Press


Elementary school in the Rubavu sector, children of the Rubavu region have to study from outside their classrooms

Eight thousand (8,000) Congolese citizens who fled to Rwanda after the eruption of the Nyiragongo volcano, located tens of kilometers from Goma city in the Eastern Province on Saturday, returned home on Sunday when the lava stopped.

The eruption of Nyiragongo volcano, the second in the last 19 years, began on Saturday 22 May 2021 for a few hours, and the DRC citizen, desperate for his life, took his belongings and returned home.

Some were seen taking pictures in places like the locality of Bauhiné, less than 10 kilometers from Goma, where the lava stopped.

While the lava stopped, uncertainty remained for both Goma and neighboring Rubavu citizens after the earthquake, which continued to grow.

“Under normal conditions, an earthquake precedes a volcano eruption; since for Nyiragongo we had the reverse situation, that means people have to be vigilant because the volcanic chamber still wants to release lava,” said Jan Ngaroy, an expert from the Rwanda Council of Mines, Oil and Gas. TODAY correspondent Seldeo Sebuhara.

In fact, Sunday May 23 has been a difficult day for Rubavu and their neighbors in Goma since the earthquake has continued to increase from 3 to 4.6 on the Richter scale.

According to the ratings, an earthquake is often felt as strong as 2.5 to 5.4 magnitude but causes little damage. In the city of Rubavu, citizens are advised to stay outside their building for fear of collapsing houses on them.

Unfortunately, the rainy season in the region can cause more damage to humans and their health.

Since Rubavu is affected by some parents wondering where to take their kids during this difficult period, neighboring Goma is affected the most.

In fact, on Monday, students took their offices outside and studied in the open air.

Our correspondent in Rubavu notes that, as of yesterday evening, 110 Congolese citizens fled to Rwanda in fear of the effects of the earthquake.

Meanwhile, the world continued to show its solidarity with the affected communities.

On Sunday, 23 May, the head of the Roman Catholic Church Pope Francis asked his followers to pray for the community of Goma.

The Pope said, “Let us pray for the people of Goma who fled their homes due to the eruption of Nyiragongo Volcano.”

Despite this anxiety, life could soon return to normal.

According to Dr Dushime Dyrckx, a volcanic science expert, volcanic activity can last for a maximum of three to five days.

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