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MIUI earthquake alert feature is a huge hit, with around 35 earthquakes detected – market trends and business updates

MIUI earthquake alert feature is a huge hit, with around 35 earthquakes detected – market trends and business updates
MIUI earthquake alert feature is a huge hit, with around 35 earthquakes detected – market trends and business updates


(MENAFN – VMR News) Xiaomi introduced the MIUI 11 custom user interface last year and added a special feature. With the new feature, MIUI-powered smartphones and devices can warn users of natural disasters such as earthquakes. Now the company has explained how this feature has proven useful to users so far, and it has detected about thirty earthquake cases.

According to a report by GizChina, Xiaomi has shared on the Chinese social media platform Weibo about how the “ earthquake detection feature ” has helped millions of users predict an earthquake. The company stated that the feature has been online for more than 500 days. It has detected more than 35 earthquakes with a magnitude of 4.0 or higher since its appearance. Xiaomi also shared that as part of MIUI 11, this feature has reached a total number of 8,604,477 devices. Xiaomi’s earthquake detection early warning system uses the time lag of previous incoming waves. In fact, waves from the ground move quickly, and prediction of an earthquake becomes possible as the warning is received a few seconds before the actual strike. Longitudinal waves move faster and transverse waves move slower than these. Therefore, the first longitudinal waves do no harm, and you receive an earthquake warning.

Xiaomi revealed that apart from many, a certain feature has also been added as part of the company. However, it does contain some limitations as not all Xiaomi users will benefit as the feature has not been rolled out in all countries of the world. MIUI 11 feature associated with earthquake warning currently only works in 25 provinces in China. Therefore, Xiaomi users in the world haven’t got the option to enable this feature yet.

Xiaomi is also working closely with the Disaster Mitigation Research Institute to improve this feature. The report says that the Chinese company wants to benefit more people by joining the National Center for Early Warning Warning, National Emergency Broadcasting and Chinese earthquake networks. After successful initial testing, the company could roll out this feature to other parts of the world in the near future.

Once the better version has undergone a successful transition, it can benefit a wider audience. Because earthquakes are sudden and devastating, no one can encroach on them if they hit higher numbers on the richness scale. However, this new and effective feature introduced by the technology giant Xiaomi will be a huge relief as it will give people a few more seconds to move to a safer place during a massive earthquake.

Naira Sheikhawat worked on writing content right after completing her graduation in English Literature. Her love of words has earned her many accolades in her careers since then. Naira covers the business divisions of VMR News. She is a traveler by heart and loves writing on food blogs as a freelance worker.


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