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Imam Khomeini’s “earthquake” destroyed the plots of the Zionists

Imam Khomeini’s “earthquake” destroyed the plots of the Zionists


Today, Friday, the 32nd anniversary of the death of the founder of the Iranian Islamic Revolution, Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, will be held. He is known to many world personalities and has various characteristics that distinguish him from other world leaders. His difference from others can be seen in the interpretation of his positions and opinions in the speeches of the world’s dignitaries.

He is the founder of the revolution and a school of thought that transcended geographical boundaries and became an important discourse. The revolution he founded was not limited to Iran, and its effects can be seen in the region and other parts of the world.

Political figures and elites around the world, regardless of their different views and even their opposition to the Iranian Islamic Revolution, could not ignore the important and influential role of Ayatollah Khomeini.

On this occasion, Mehr News Agency contacted the head of Canadian Human Rights Defenders, Firas Al-Najm.

This is the full text of the statement:

An Israeli leader described the Islamic revolution as the “earthquake of the century”. What are the effects of Imam Khomeini’s revolution in the region, which raised the concern of the Israelis?

Imam Khomeini (RA) detonated earthquakes and volcanoes that disrupted and served the dominant powers not only in the Middle East but in the whole world, and Ben-Gurion was absolutely right in his analysis to describe the Islamic Revolution as the earthquake of the century. The Zionists believed that they would eventually control the entire region and plunder all its resources, but that plan was destroyed and today we see the results with all the allies of the Imam Khomeini establishment, especially with the recent victory of the resistance in Gaza, which humiliated the Palestinians. The Zionist criminal regime. The Zionist regime is always worried about the Iranian leadership and its allies in the world, and it always makes them fear the repercussions.

Firas Al-Najm, President of Canadian Human Rights Defenders

What are the features of the Islamic revolution that aroused the concern of the Western powers?

The patience and unity of the Iranian nation under the rule of the faqih known as Wilayat al-Faqi, is the main feature that worries the Western powers because in fact they fear this Islamic regime that can advance and advance while bearing severe sanctions. pressures. The military progress and the network of allies that surround the Zionist entity is very worrying for the Western powers as the Zionist lobbies largely control many Western economies and governments with their influence and intimidation. Let us not forget that the Zionist entity is a central intelligence base of the West installed in the middle of the Middle East.

How do you see the role of Imam Khomeini in the unification of the Islamic world?

Imam Khomeini’s main goal was to unite Muslims of all sects and regions to stand strong against the enemies of the Islamic Ummah also known as the Ummah and he lived and died for this sacred goal. We see his goals flourish with today’s powerful Sunni Palestinian political party called Hamas, which is allied with the powerful Shiite political party of Lebanon’s Hezbollah and the Shiite Islamic government in Iran. A strong Islamic resistance alliance was established to purge the region of American, British, French and Zionist military presence and control, and directed towards the complete liberation of the occupied lands in Jerusalem and Mecca.

Imam Khomeini always hated compromising with arrogant powers and the Zionists and believed in resistance. How has the culture of resistance changed the balance of power in the region?

The resistance in the world has learned from Imam Khomeini’s school of thought that we must remain united and determined in this battle against oppression and arrogant global forces at any cost until divine victory. Today the resistance is speaking much stronger than at any other time, their positions are much stronger and the future is more prosperous and we should all focus on the words and wisdom of the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Mr. Ali Khamenei. Who learned a lot from Imam Khomeini and was also a loyal man to him as well. The resistance will be victorious and honored.

Interview with Muhammad Ali Haqchinas


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