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Taiwan’s COVID-19 vaccine stocks doubled due to Japan’s donation


An injection of doses of the coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine is shown at the Tokyo Metropolitan Hospital for Cancer and Infectious Diseases at Kumagumi Hospital in Tokyo, Japan, March 5, 2021. Yoshikazu Tsuno / Pool via REUTERS

Japan delivered to Taiwan 1.24 million doses of the coronavirus vaccine AstraZeneca PLC (AZN.L) for free on Friday, in a gesture that would more than double the number of shots the island has received so far.

Taiwan is struggling with a sharp rise in local infections and has only fed about 3% of its population. Japan has agreed to buy more than 300 million doses of coronavirus vaccines from Pfizer Inc (PFE.N), Moderna Inc (MRNA.O) and AstraZeneca, more than enough to cover its entire population. Read more

Announcing the vaccine donation, Foreign Minister Toshimitsu Motegi said, “At the time of the great earthquake that hit eastern Japan 10 years ago, people in Taiwan sent us a lot of donations quickly. I think this is clearly engraved in the minds of the Japanese people.” This offer reflects on this important partnership and friendship with Taiwan.”

Vaccines landed at the main Taipei International Airport in the early afternoon. Taiwan’s Health Minister Chen Shih-chung said he was “extremely grateful” that the shots arrived at a tense moment in the island’s fight against the epidemic, with 472 new infections reported.

“I think it will be very useful in the overall prevention of epidemics,” he added.

The donation is a victory for Taiwan’s President Tsai Ing-wen, who has faced popular anger over the slow arrival of vaccines and small protests by the main opposition party, the Kuomintang, outside her offices.

In a live broadcast online from her office, Tsai called on people to understand that Taiwan is not alone in facing challenges in getting vaccines now, with global supplies in short supply.

“Taiwan’s international situation is very difficult. Even before the vaccines are loaded onto the plane, there may be variables.”

China, which claims the island as its territory, has provided the vaccines, but Taiwan has repeatedly expressed concern about their safety and accused China of trying to prevent Taiwan from buying vaccines internationally.

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin told reporters in Beijing that despite China’s offer of good faith injections, Taiwan “lied that the mainland had obstructed the provision of vaccines” to the island.

“The Taiwan authorities, for their own selfish political gain, participated in the political manipulation of vaccine issues,” he added.

Although Taiwan’s quota has not been announced, the island will also get shots under the US White House’s plan to share 25 million surplus doses of a COVID-19 vaccine with the world.

Taiwan has received only about 860,000 doses so far, most of them AstraZeneca shots, but also a smaller number of Moderna. It has ordered more than 20 million doses of AstraZeneca and Moderna and is also developing its own vaccines.

In a statement emailed to Reuters, Johnson & Johnson (JNJ.N) said it had been in “confidential discussions” with Taiwan about providing a COVID-19 vaccine to the island since last year, but did not give details.

The J&J vaccine requires a single dose, rather than the two-vaccine regimen of most other COVID-19 vaccines.

Japan approved the AstraZeneca vaccine last month and contracted to buy 120 million doses. But there are no immediate plans to use the injection amid persistent concerns raised internationally about blood clots. Read more

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