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Watch the Volcano: Campaign season is here! Another way to track HVO changes over Hawaii’s volcanoes

Watch the Volcano: Campaign season is here!  Another way to track HVO changes over Hawaii’s volcanoes


Geodetic surveys measure the change in the shape of volcanoes due to changes in magma supply and storage. The USGS Hawaiian Volcano Observatory has a long history of using various types of tools and techniques over decades to detect these changes.

GPS receivers are currently the primary instrument of choice for measuring changes in distance and elevation due to the movement of magma in and out of volcanoes. These have replaced the traditional scanning tools that were used in the past.

These measurements initially began as attempts to find summit heights and eventually led to the conclusion that Mauna Loa and Kilauea were altered by the coming and going of magma. HVO now operates 67 GPS stations on the island of Hawaii that continuously take elevation and position measurements.

HVO also conducts campaign surveys to increase coverage across the volcanoes of Hawaii. The campaign’s GPS surveys are conducted periodically, with high-resolution instruments deployed on volcanoes and operating for days to weeks. These instruments are prepared at long-term fixed locations, known as standards, across both Kilauea and Mauna Loa. The sites are visited annually, and the difference in location between each annual visit provides information about how the volcano has changed or behaved during that time period. Many of these parameters have been filled every year since 1996, providing one of the longest GPS time series — a series of data points that occurs over a period of time — of any volcano in the world.

These annual campaign surveys help to complement the constantly recording GPS receivers covering the island of Hawaii. Both the expedition and continuous GPS tools can measure their locations in a fraction of an inch, and thus can detect very small movements on the Earth’s crust. However, these continuous stations have significant infrastructure requirements, for example, large power consumption, wireless telemetry needs, and site accessibility. Campaign GPS does not have the same requirements as continuous GPS. Although the tools are only published for a short time, the data they collect help scientists improve current models of volcanic activity, such as the inflation at Mauna Loa summit.

Kinematic GPS is another technology that is used to supplement HVO’s continuous GPS network. kGPS surveys take much less time to complete (a few minutes versus days). However, they rely on a fixed reference station to find a location and have a much lower accuracy (1-2 inches) than a campaign’s GPS. HVO occasionally completes these surveys along Hilina Pali, Kanenuiohamo, and Kilauea Summit.

Last May, HVO completed the Mauna Loa GPS expedition survey, visiting 32 sites across the volcano. Along with Mauna Loa and Kilauea, HVO also surveys Hualalai and Haleakala every 3-5 years as part of our volcano-monitoring program to keep a long-term record of background deformation (“baseline”) for these quiet but still active volcanoes. Baselines are very important for active volcanoes. Inactive time periods help scientists establish an accurate comparison point for when a volcano becomes turbulent. To learn more about GPS, read Volcano Watch:

Using continuous GPS instruments and expeditions together is helping HVO scientists gain a better understanding of what might be happening beneath the surface of our volcanoes and the timescale in which these changes occur. These measurements can reveal the movement of underground magma within the volcano, and have proven to be an essential tool in monitoring the internal conditions of the magmatic storage system.

Volcano activity updates

Kilauea volcano does not erupt. USGS Volcano Alert Level in ADVISORY ( Kilauea updates are released weekly.

The supply of lava to the lava lake Halema’uma’u has ceased and SO2 emissions have decreased to approximately pre-eruptive background levels. The peak tilt gauges have recorded one cycle of deflation and inflation over the past week.

Earthquakes have generally remained stable, with the number of earthquakes and tremors over the past week similar to the previous week.

There are currently no indications that a resumption of volcanic activity is imminent. Kilauea is still an active volcano and future eruptions may occur at the summit or elsewhere on the volcano.

For more information on current monitoring of Kilauea volcano, see

Mauna Loa is not erupting and is still at volcano alert level. This alert level does not mean that a volcano eruption is imminent or that progression to an eruption from the current level of disturbance is certain. Mauna Loa updates are released weekly.

In the past week, about 60 small-scale earthquakes were recorded below Mauna Loa; Most of these occurred below the summit and higher elevations at depths of less than 8 kilometers (about 5 miles).

The largest earthquake was the M3.2, which occurred on June 8 at 7:13 pm HST, 1.3 kilometers (0.8 mi) above sea level, below the summit of Mauna Loa.

GPS measurements show low rates of deformation in the summit region over the past week. Gas concentrations and fumarole temperatures at both the summit and in the sulfur cone of the Southwest Rift Zone remain stable.

Webcams do not show any changes to the landscape. For more information on current monitoring of Mauna Loa, see:

There has been one event with 3 or more capillary reports in the Hawaiian Islands over the past week: the M3.5 earthquake 1 km southwest of Pahala at a depth of 33 km (20 mi) on June 6, 2021 at 6:56 AM HST.

HVO continues to closely monitor Kilauea and Mauna Loa for any signs of increased activity.

Please visit the HVO website for past Volcano Watch articles, Kilauea and Mauna Loa updates, volcano images, maps, recent earthquake information, and more. Email questions to [email protected].

Volcano Watch is a weekly article and activity update written by USGS Hawaiian Volcano Observatory scientists and affiliates.

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