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The New York Times refers to Ebrard, Slim for the collapse of the Mexico City metro


A New York Times investigation reported that the collapse of a section of a metro line in Mexico City last month that killed 26 people was likely caused by poor construction by Mexican businessman Carlos Slim, Grupo Carso, while Foreign Minister Marcelo Ebrard was mayor.

The report revealed problems with the original construction by Slim’s subsidiary Carso Infrastructure and Construction, the collapse likely caused by poor welding of the steel rivets that served as the main supports for the structure. The newspaper said the job may have been expedited because Ebrard sought to open the subway before his term as mayor expired in 2012.

The report could damage Grupo Carso as well as the reputation of Ebrard, a key presidential ally, who is seen as the frontrunner along with Mexico City Mayor Claudia Sheinbaum to be the country’s next president. Sheinbaum denied in a tweet on Sunday that her office was responsible for leaking information to the newspaper.

Antonio Gomez Garcia, CEO of Grupo Carso, told The Times he did not believe the accident was due to poor welding of the line bolt-like anchor bolts, as the article suggested.

Ebrard said in a tweet on Twitter that his comments to the newspaper were “completely ignored” and that his response to the newspaper’s inquiries was not adequately included. He also noted that all of the federal auditors’ observations at the time were “resolved.”

Here are the answers given a few days ago to the New York Times regarding a report on line 12. You see, it was completely ignored.

– Marcelo Ebrard C (@m_ebrard) June 13, 2021

The long-troubled metro route collapsed on May 3 after a decade of security concerns and investigations. In 2014, officials shut down most Gold Line services after they determined that twisted rails and damaged ties put passengers at risk. The city banned some officials who presided over the project from holding public office, and fined some for alleged irregularities in planning, bidding, contract signing, and project implementation.

While the line underwent major repairs and later reopened, local media reported extensive damage after the 2017 earthquake to a portion of the station’s first track away from the existing collapsed beam. Mexico City says repairs have since been made.

The Mexico City Public Prosecutor’s Office is investigating the design and construction of the line for materials used and costs. Both Ebrard and Sheinbaum also face scrutiny for their role in overseeing the works, including in Ebrard’s case the original construction and newer inspections and maintenance under Sheinbaum’s management.

Before he was here, he’s at Bloomberg Station محطة

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