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5.2-magnitude earthquake strikes Victoria

5.2-magnitude earthquake strikes Victoria


Adelaide, which was subjected to a shock of magnitude 6.5 in 1954, was rated as low risk. There, high-rise buildings must be strengthened, adding about 10 percent to their cost.

Victoria’s seismic history dates back to the opening of the Tasman Sea 100 million years ago, according to Dr Peter Wellman, a geophysicist at the Canberra Bureau of Mineral Resources. The continental plate supporting Australia smashed into a subterranean sea of ​​molten rock and New Zealand literally floated east.

Australia was drifting north over a volcanic hot spot at the same time. Thirty million years ago, the hot spot was under Queensland and six million years ago it passed under Macedonia as lava slashed through the crust to form features like Hanging Rock.

The Eastern Highlands have been rising throughout this period of seismic activity – and still are. Dr. Wellman has tracked the rise caused by the compaction of the continent from east to west, by measuring the rate of lowering of river valleys.

“Imagine a piece of bread with a diagonal cut on it,” Dr. Wellman said. “If you push one piece together, it outperforms the other. That’s what’s happening in southeast Australia.

The bending of hundreds of faults under Victoria is nothing compared to the forces unleashed when two continental plates rubbed against each other—as happened at the San Andreas Fault in California. The Pacific plate there is moving north and the North American plate is south. Tension builds up in the rock around the fault until it is released by a sudden earthquake.

Predicting earthquakes is quickly becoming a scientific possibility. Natural phenomena such as rising water in wells, the strength of the Earth’s magnetic fields, and the electrical conductivity of rocks are known to change slightly just before an earthquake.

The Chinese, who monitor animal behavior as a way to predict earthquakes, have conducted about 25 large evacuations triggered by earthquake warnings. In five of these cases, severe earthquakes occurred and thousands of lives were saved.

Gibson said it can be very difficult to get people to leave their homes based on scientists’ predictions, especially in places like California where people live through many small earthquakes.

“If a seismologist could predict an earthquake there, he wouldn’t have enough to announce it,” Gibson said. If he is wrong, there is a strong possibility of legal action from companies that have been forced to close.

For most people, a jerk of discomfort

For those Victorians who were still lying on their backs in bed when the earthquake came yesterday, the feeling was palpable…if a little hard to describe.

People who are lying down are more sensitive to ground movements caused by an earthquake than people who move on their feet.

But if yesterday was anything to go by, lying down didn’t help us think.

An Age reader called to say he believed his wife had turned on the family’s washing machine that seemed to rock the entire house; Another called on his wife to stop closing the wardrobe door.

Another thought the motion was moving his dog under his bed, and a woman from Edithvale’s basement called her teenage children to “stop wrestling.”

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