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No to locking, just follow S. Koreas response to COVID-19 »Manila Bulletin News



By Hannah Torregoza

Senator Sherwin Gatchalian urged the government on Wednesday to study the South Korean model for containing COVID-19 disease, saying that implementing a foreclosure will be difficult for the Philippines, particularly in Metro Manila. .

Senator Sherwin Gatchalian (Senate of the Philippines / MANILA BULLETIN)

Senator Sherwin Gatchalian
(Senate of the Philippines / MANILA BULLETIN)

Gatchalian said there are many entry and exit points in the country, so resorting to a lock would be difficult.

Lockdown is difficult to implement unless you are like China which can really flex its muscles and lock all the provinces, said Gatchalian in an interview with ANC Headstart.

Citing the situation in Italy, Gatchalian noted that the foreclosure imposed in the European country has caused a lot of confusion and questions.

If you see the experience of Italy, when they locked the whole country, it is very difficult to implement because you have a lot of entry and exit points, a stressed Gatchalian.

I want to urge DOH to study the Korean model in which they haven't locked Korea but they have set up a massive testing activity in which they have already tested 140,000 patients there,

This means that if you already feel something, whether you have a history of traveling abroad or only in Korea, you should be tested, said Gatchalian.

Health officials told a Senate panel that the agency only has 2,000 test kits for COVID-19.

But the Secretary of Health, Francisco Duque III, assured that the Ministry of Health (DOH) had ordered 40,000 test kits for the new coronavirus disease and had asked for an additional budget of 139 million pesos to buy kits of additional test.

Gatchalian believes that test kits invented locally at the University of the Philippines, which the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has just approved, will be a game-changer.

The test kits invented locally by UP are a game changer in terms of the COVID-19 curve in our country. Game changer, which means because it's affordable, locally available and can be turned over to local governments, he said.

He said these test kits should be distributed to local government units (LGUs) and test them as soon as possible.

Implement this Korean model where they test all those who feel sick and can contain the disease at home, thus limiting their movement within the community, he advised.

Lawmakers said he believed the government had the capacity to fund such massive testing of COVID-19 cases.

First, the kits should be very affordable. It can be given to local governments. They can be instructed to do so. Of course, subject to very strict DOH protocols and guidelines, he said.

Second, this is where Congress will step in to allocate additional budget to purchase these test kits and also additional budget to ensure that protocols are followed. But the protocols are very expensive because you have to buy protective suits, specialized vehicles, additional power and training, said Gatchalian.

Read more:Metropolitan authorities ready for foreclosure

Keywords: ncov

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