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Google's insane new Pixel 8 discounts don't end

Google's insane new Pixel 8 discounts don't end


Google Pixel 8 Pro smartphone, porcelain white, shipping packaging.


If you paid full price for your Google Pixel 8, for the sake of your sanity, don't read any further. Google has repeatedly lowered the price of its devices since its launch last October, and it doesn't seem like that strategy will end anytime soon.

By my count, Google gave deep discounts on the Pixel 8 and Pixel 8 Pro in December, January, February, March, and April. Now that we're in May, there's yet another sale going on in his Google Store in the UK and US. These aren't small discounts either, with most being $150 and $200 off on his Pixel 8 and Pixel 8 Pro, respectively.

The company also sent large vouchers to YouTube Premium subscribers to use on Pixel 8 purchases, increased trade-in prices, and gave random Google Photos users a $100 store credit coupon. Some Google One users have reported receiving a hefty $250 coupon for his new Pixel 8. We suspect that these phones have been on sale for longer than their list price or were eligible for some kind of discount.

Google has never been shy about lowering the price of its hardware, and isn't as rigid about pricing as Apple. The Pixel series has also undergone several rebrands over the past decade. From affordable phones like the Nexus 5 and Pixel 5 to the latest high-end phones found today.

ForbesGoogle releases big new feature boost for older Android smartphonesAuthor: Janhoi McGregor

However, this level of aggressive pricing is unusual for the company, and I suspect this may become the new normal. Not just Google, but many other Android manufacturers as well.

Google is serious about becoming the leading Android device. The company has been on this path since 2019, when it started manufacturing its own Tensor chipsets. In recent months, the company has integrated Apple-like, ecosystem.

The Google Pixel 8 Prophone was showcased during the Google Pixel 8 product launch event and… [+] Pixel 8 pro smartphone, Pixel Watch 2, Pixel Buds Pro earbuds, New York, October 4, 2023. (Photo by Ed JONES/AFP) (Photo by: ED JONES/AFP, Getty Images)

AFP (via Getty Images)

Google One bundles Nest Aware and FitBit Premium (though it's still missing something), Google Podcasts integrates with YouTube Music, and YouTube Premium offers paywalled video quality and AI-powered features. It has been updated with. Google Photos, Gmail, Drive, and other Workspace apps also have several new free and paid AI features to improve your productivity. Read about them here.

Google wants to lock you in to all of its services, and that portal is your Pixel smartphone. Of course, you can access all of the above from other devices besides Pixel. But Google is releasing some features exclusive to Pixel to draw buyers into its biosphere. AI-powered camera tools like Best Take, Magic Editor, and Video Boost were exclusive to Pixel until the company later made them available for free to all Photos users.

But Google's Pixel 8 is clearly not a flagship Android smartphone. If such a crown existed, it would go to Samsung, the world's most popular Android brand and (currently) his second most popular smartphone brand in the world.

Samsung got there in several ways, but it will always be remembered for its aggressive marketing tactics that directly targeted its rivals, alongside its extreme discount deals. I don't see these deals stopping anytime soon, as Google looks to gain more market share and get more people to pay for storage, AI features, and other services.




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