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Hollywood's Next Big Star Is a Mountain Lion

Hollywood's Next Big Star Is a Mountain Lion


In Hollywood, when one star fades, another surely rises. And that's exactly what happened when a new mountain lion was discovered in the Hollywood Hills.

Exclusive neighborhoods near California's famous Hollywood sign have long been a haven for the rich and famous. But for a decade, these hills were also home to the P-22 – or the Brad Pitt of mountain lions.

The P-22, or Puma-22, became an international sensation after its photograph in front of the Hollywood Sign at night appeared in National Geographic.

When he showed up, he became a star, said Beth Pratt, California director of the National Wildlife Federation.

People were simply in awe of the presence of this wild creature, and they came to love and connect with it in different ways.

But he fell ill with multiple illnesses and injuries and was euthanized in 2022.

Now a new lion is in town, experts investigating the sightings said.

We don't know where this cat came from, it doesn't have a collar, Ms Pratt told the BBC. It is indeed a mountain lion in these videos and photos.

There have been several sightings over the past week, one captured by a security camera and another filmed from a car.

Will this cat be as good as the P-22 at dodging cars for a decade? she says. We don't know what's going to happen here.

Also known as mountain lions or cougars, giant cats are native to California. But it's quite rare for a person to arrive in Los Angeles.

The area where the animal, whose identity is still unknown, was seen is surrounded by heavy traffic.

One of the benefits of the urban cat oasis in the Hollywood Hills is the abundance of deer, prime prey for mountain lions, she said.

The intrigue is to see if the new cat will stick around and if it can survive city life.

He would have had to cross a few major highways to get there, Ms. Pratt said. He could stay or go, but it's risky.

Many residents are hopeful, especially after the loss of the P-22.

Sheila Irani, who has lived in the area for 30 years, remembers seeing P-22 coming up his steps late at night.

Because I have a closed door up there, he just turned around and came back down, she said.

He wasn't threatening but he definitely exuded strength and confidence. He was just very thin, with high cheekbones. Just a handsome, handsome boy.

Then my friend came and saw him from the car and he was scared to death.

Fatal encounters with mountain lions in California are extremely rare.

In the past 100 years, there have been only about 20 attacks in a region with a population of 40 million, Ms. Pratt said. The risk is therefore extremely low.

Most of the time they are not interested in people, but every now and then something happens.

Suzanne Pye, a local resident, walks the trails to the Hollywood sign and said she isn't worried. This will add a thrill of excitement to morning hikes.

Much like Hollywood celebrities, rare sightings of the P-22 have only increased its mystery.

When we think of Hollywood, we think of people who come here to succeed. And that's what he did, he was a loner who came here and became a big star, Ms Pye said.

Very few people saw it, but everyone loved it.

Now that a new mountain lion has arrived in town, it's an opportunity for experts to study how it's adapting to America's second-largest city.

I think it's a sign that the savagery hasn't abandoned Los Angeles, Ms. Pratt said.




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