Bears present for demolition work at Arlington Racecourse site

CHICAGO (CBS) – The Bears confirmed Wednesday night that they have filed paperwork for demolition to begin on the Arlington International Racecourse property.
The bears closed on the property in February. The team said Wednesday that filing for demolition at the site doesn’t necessarily mean they will develop it.
But the Bears said in February that if their plan for a new stadium in the Arlington Park area moves forward, the development is projected to create more than 48,000 jobs, generate $9.4 billion in economic impact for the Chicago-area economy and provide 3.9 billion dollars. I have new income from work for workers in the region, wrote Bears in February.
Churchill Downs announced in February 2021 that the Arlington racetrack would go on saleand her last horse races were held in September of the same year.
That same month, the Bears agreed to a buyout racetrack property in Arlington for $197 million.
The Bears have played at Soldier Field since 1971 — they shared Wrigley Field with the Cubs before that. The most recent renovation of the stadium took place in 2003.
The stadium went through massive renovations nearly two decades ago at a cost of over $600 million. Even with the upgrade, Soldier Field still has a capacity of just 61,500, the smallest in the NFL. There are 13 stadiums that hold more than 70,000.
Mayor Lori Lightfoot has repeatedly expressed a desire to keep the Bears at Soldier Field. In July last year, Chicago Park District officials unveiled options for renovating Soldier Field, including a possible dome over the lakefront arena.
In January, these plans were further carried out as Landmark Development released a virtual tour of a renovated Military Field. The proposal centers on a brand new glass dome that would protect the interior from the elements and potentially attract interest from a wide variety of partners.
But also in January, new Bears president and CEO Kevin Warren made it clear he’s ready to lead the team’s move out of town and into a new stadium in Arlington Heights.
Mayor-elect Brandon Johnson has also said he hopes to find a way to keep the Bears at Soldier Field.
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