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Heifer International receives the 2023 Community Partner Award from the University of Arkansas at Little Rock

Heifer International receives the 2023 Community Partner Award from the University of Arkansas at Little Rock


LITTLE ROCK, Ark., May 15, 2023 /PRNewswire/ — Heifer International has been awarded the 2023 Community Partner Award by the Department of Applied Communications in University of Arkansas at Little Rock. The award recognizes Heifer International’s commitment to partnering with the department’s faculty and students to promote social responsibility through positive communication.

The award follows two recent collaborations between Heifer International and the university:

  • Last month, the American Journal of Qualitative Research published a study on changes in communication skills among women in Bihar, INDIAco-authored by Heifer and university staff.
  • IN November 2022a group of university students and undergraduates underwent Heifer International’s foundational training, a values-based development training that forms the foundation of Heifer’s work in farming communities around the globe.

“We are honored to receive this award from University of Arkansas“, he said Mahendra Lohansenior vice president of Asia programs at Heifer International. “At Heifer, we believe that sustainable development is simply not possible without a foundation of strong partnerships, and we are proud to partner with institutions like University of Arkansas to build a fairer and more equal world”.

The Community Partner Award was presented to Heifer International at a special ceremony in University of Arkansas campus in May 11, 2023. The event included a keynote address attended by faculty, recent graduates and members of the local community.

“Increasingly, our work is designed to influence practice and social change,” said Dr. Julien Mirivel, professor of applied communication and chair of the Building Bridges department at the Community Committee. “We are inspired by Heifer’s mission and appreciate the work being done to make a real difference in the lives of people around the world through education, collaboration and empowerment.”

The award was established by the Department of Applied Communication in 2018, and past winners include UAMS, Bridgeway Hospital, Immerse Arkansas and The CALL.

About Heifer International

Since 1944, Heifer International has worked with more than 42.9 million people worldwide to end hunger and poverty sustainably. Working with rural communities in Africa, Asiaand the Americas, incl United States, Heifer International supports local farmers and food producers to strengthen local economies and build secure livelihoods that provide a living income. For information, visit

SOURCE Heifer Project International




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