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Stronger together, the Commonwealth celebrates a significant 75-year milestone

Stronger together, the Commonwealth celebrates a significant 75-year milestone


Today, 56 of the world's largest countries and smallest islands, across six oceans, continue to stand together and celebrate common values ​​on Commonwealth Day.

Commonwealth Day is traditionally celebrated on the second Monday of March. The theme of this year's Commonwealth Day, and the upcoming Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM), is A Shared Resilient Future: Transforming Our Common Wealth.

More than 56 nations will be celebrating throughout this week, with representatives attending an event at the Commonwealth Secretariat headquarters in London.

This year's staging is particularly significant as the modern Commonwealth will celebrate its 75th anniversary in April this year. At a meeting of Commonwealth prime ministers in London on 26 April 1949, the London Declaration stated that republics and other independent countries could be equal members of the Commonwealth. Thus was born the modern Commonwealth of Nations.

His Majesty King Charles III in his Commonwealth Day video message he said:

“The Commonwealth family is stronger when we are connected, through friendship. As I have said before, the Commonwealth is like the wiring of a house and its people, our energy and our ideas are the current that runs through those wires.

“Together and individually, we are strengthened by sharing perspectives and experiences, and by offering and borrowing from the myriad ways we have each tackled the challenges of our time.”

of Commonwealth Secretary General, Rt Hon Patricia Scotland KCemphasized the value, power and potential of the Commonwealth family in her speech on Commonwealth Day.

In her Commonwealth Day Message, the Secretary-General said:

“Together, we have built a Commonwealth that is fit for the times we live in: stronger, more connected and more influential than ever; able to meet the world's challenges, to innovate for seize new opportunities and work together to form a more peaceful, resilient and prosperous shared future.

“On this Commonwealth Day, as we prepare to gather again as a Commonwealth family for the CHOGM in Samoa later this year, let us draw again from the wells of friendship and mutual respect, encouraging ourselves and inspiring each other deeply deeper and deeper, of cooperation and greater heights of achievement”.

Commonwealth Secretary General, Rt Hon Patricia Scotland KC

Among the activities planned for this day in London is a flag-raising ceremony in the House of Commons, where they will participate Deputy Secretary General, Dr. Arjoon Suddhoo. The Chief Secretary for Scotland will lay a wreath at the Gates of Remembrance to recognize men and women from across the Commonwealth who served with the British Armed Forces during the First and Second World Wars.

The Secretary General will also honor Baroness Flather, who served as Life President of the Gates of Remembrance Council, who died earlier this year. The Memorial Gates event will also be the culmination of a 100km charity walk being undertaken to raise awareness of the sacrifice of fallen soldiers.

Later that day, members of the Royal Family, Commonwealth government officials and High Commissioners, youth leaders and other dignitaries will gather for the annual memorial service at Westminster Abbey.Her Majesty the Queen will attend the reception of Commonwealth Secretaries-General at the headquarters of the Commonwealth Secretariat and will welcome representatives from all 56 countries.

All over the world to celebrate Commonwealth Day, civic events, educational activities and cultural gatherings will also take place.

The Commonwealth of Nations will meet later this year in October 2024 to Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting in Samoa. Samoa will be the first small island developing state from the Pacific to host CHOGM, bringing a unique perspective to the table. CHOGM 2024 promises to be a historic event, uniting Commonwealth nations in their pursuit of resilience, sustainability and a shared future.

Media contact

  • Communications Division, Commonwealth Secretariat
  • +44 20 7747 6476 | E-mail




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