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Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson's multi-award winning brand announces new distribution in five major international markets and global travel retail locations

NEW YORK, March 25, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — Teremana Tequila, the premium, small-batch tequila founded by Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson, will launch in five new international markets this year, including United Kingdom (UK), Australia, Germany, United Arab Emirates (United Arab Emirates) and Colombiain addition to retail travel locations across the globe.

Starting at global travel retail locations, Teremana Tequila will be available outside North America for the first time since its inception. The announcement comes as part of its global expansion plans in partnership with Mast-Jgermeister.

IN March 2020German Tequila disrupted the tequila category with its record-breaking release and subsequent growth. Three years after the debut, in 2023, Teremana became the fastest premium spirits brand to sell 1 million 9-liter cases within a 12-month period in the US.

Known as a responsibly crafted tequila of exceptional quality, Teremana has since won over 17 of the top spirits awards, including gold medals in San Francisco World Spirits Competition and gold in The Spirits Business Tequila & Mezcal Masters.

FOUNDER Dwayne “Thof Rock” Johnson attributes the brand's success to its exceptional taste, small-batch handcrafted process and embodiment of Mana's spirit.

“When I created TeremanaI was determined to create a tequila that is absolutely delicious, high quality and accessible to everyone, and I am proud to say that we achieved this,” says the Founder. Dwayne “Thof Rock” Johnson. “I am incredibly humbled by the demand for Teremana globally and excited to offer Teremana for consumers worldwide. Mana is at the heart of everything we do at Teremana, and it has fueled our goal to share good energy, bring people together, and do things the right way. To now be able to share Mana with more parts of the world is a privilege hello my friends.”

Available in three expressions: BlancoReposado and Aejo, Teremana Tequila is produced in its own distillery, Destilera Teremana De Agave under the unique NOM, 1613 in the small town of Jess Mara, located in the highlands of Jalisco. Created in partnership with the Lopez family, who are third-generation agave growers and second-generation tequila makers, Teremana it's made using 100% mature Blue Weber Agave, which is then roasted in small traditional brick ovens for over 72 hours and distilled in 100% handcrafted copper stills.

“This next step in Teremana the journey is a testament to the values ​​we share Dwayne JohnsonThe Lopez family and the team behind Teremana“, say Michael Volke, CEO and Chairman of the Executive Board at Mast-Jgermeister. “We are also a family business, working together for generations; focused on heritage, sustainability and doing things the right way. These shared principles have brought great strength to our partnership and we are extremely excited to bring the Mana ethic to more people We will serve Teremana's global expansion Tequila through our exceptional global distribution capacity and brand building experience. As we work together to share Teremana with the world, we remain steadfast in our commitment to deliver exceptional tequila made with the utmost integrity.”

“We are extremely proud of what Teremana has reached North America in 4 years”, adds Teremana CEO, Richard Black. “Our growth speaks to the exceptional quality of the juice and our Mana-led approach to doing what is right for our customers. As the appetite for tequila continues to grow around the world, we are committed to being the brand that makes the most accessible spirit, excites both new and experienced agave drinkers and continues to bring people together.”

German Blanco it features bright and fresh citrus flavor notes with ripe agave, tropical fruit and a hint of lemongrass, with a soft and fresh finish. Teremana Reposado has rich notes of ripe agave, oak, vanilla, spice and tropical fruit, with a smooth finish that has depth of flavor. Teremana Aejo features rich, warm oak, vanilla and roasted agave, with a slightly sweet and complex finish. Teremana Blanco and Reposado are best enjoyed neat, on the rocks, or in an expertly crafted cocktail such as Margarita of the People, Dwayne's indulgent and tropical twist on a Margarita made with pineapple juice, lime juice and agave nectar. Teremana Aejo is best enjoyed neat or on the rocks.

“As we enter this next chapter for the brand, I also want to thank the incredibly hard work of our partners and our team, who are dedicated to bringing our tequila to people the right way, without interruption,” he adds. Dwayne. “Our common hope is that Teremana it can become a legacy brand, a brand that brings people together by prioritizing taste and quality so that everyone can enjoy this wonderful spirit.”

For more information, please visit and follow on social networks at @Tereman. ENJOY RESPONSIBLY.

About Teremana tequila
German is a small batch premium tequila founded by Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson, Jenna Fagnan, Ken Austin and Dany Garcia. Created at Destilera Teremana De Agave took refuge on the highest peaks of Jalisco highlands, Teremana offers three distinct expressions – Blanco, Reposado and Aejo. Each bottle is meticulously crafted from 100% fully ripe agave, slowly roasted in traditional brick ovens and distilled in handcrafted copper stills. Rooted in the principles of quality and accessibility, Teremana embodies the spirit of Mana, a powerful force that inspires us to stir up good energy, bring people together and do the right thing.

SOURCE Teremana




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