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Beyer's Statement on Additional Israel

Beyer's Statement on Additional Israel


Rep. Don Beyer (D-VA) today released the following statement on HR 8034, the Israel Security Supplemental Appropriations Act:

I have repeatedly condemned the horrific attacks by Hamas since October 7 and strongly called for the release of all hostages. Since that day, the United States has provided massive and costly military, intelligence, and diplomatic support to Israel. The Israeli government has unfortunately proven unwilling or unable to match this support by complying with the laws governing US aid or adequately responding to the concerns repeatedly raised by the Administration. Hamas's destructive tactics do not absolve our allies of their legal obligations to the US or the international community. We must not sacrifice our humanity or values ​​to the wickedness of our adversaries.

The IDF campaign in Gaza has resulted in many civilian casualties, which significantly undercut claims of rigorous targeting or careful adherence to the rules of engagement. Many well-documented incidents either went uninvestigated or resulted in pro forma investigations that did not lead to consequences or corrections. The World Central Kitchen attack unfortunately does not stand out because it represents a rare failure, it was unique because the identity of the victims led to internal consequences within the IDF. The catastrophic humanitarian situation in Gaza, highlighted by the absurdity of the United States airdropping supplies and building a pier while our Israeli allies block supplies through land crossings and Israeli ports, has only improved in recent weeks for due to threats of a change in US policy. This extension sends the opposite message.

Unlike Ukraine, Israel simply does not need fiscal assistance from the United States at the level contained in this bill. Israel is a wealthy nation with the ability to borrow, and the recently passed appropriations language provided Israel with $3.8 billion. I support humanitarian aid and have voted in the past to fund defense capabilities, including Iron Dome, but much of this funding is likely to pay for weapons that recent history says will lead to more civilian deaths.

This draft law connects us more and more with a prime minister who has lost the trust of his people and has shown that he does not even deserve ours. As war rages in Gaza, the Netanyahu government is engaging in inflammatory tactics in the West Bank and Jerusalem, expanding illegal settlements and failing to curb extremist settler violence. They also seem intent on ignoring President Bidens consistent advice to avoid dangerous regional escalation. The Prime Minister has made his opposition to the two-state solution supported by the US clear with words and deeds. I cannot agree to further aid that is not tied to verifiable changes in Israeli policy.

Above all, I am deeply concerned that Israel's current government is on a path of increasing isolation that endangers Israel's long-term security and is directly at odds with core American values. I cannot in good conscience support this bill, so I will vote no.





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