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Brooklyn Prospect High School Earns Recognition in US News & World Report's 2024 Best High Schools Rankings

Brooklyn Prospect High School Earns Recognition in US News & World Report's 2024 Best High Schools Rankings


Brooklyn Prospect High School (BPHS) is proud to announce it inclusion in the 2024 ranking of the best high schools by US News & World Reportthe global authority on education rankings.

US News & World Report evaluated nearly 25,000 public high schools in all 50 states and the District of Columbia. BPHS achieved impressive rankings within the state, metro area and city, placing:

  • #106 among New York high schools
  • #137 among New York metro area high schools
  • #47 among New York City public high schools
  • #1043 nationally

This recognition comes at an important time for BPHS. The graduating class of 2024 marks the first year of the school's “IB for All” initiative. This innovative program automatically enrolls all eligible students in the International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma Program, with students who may not be pursuing the full degree program still enrolled in a full course of IB courses as certificate candidates. This change from the previous selective application process fosters a more equitable learning environment and empowers a wider range of students to pursue rigorous academic challenges.

“We are thrilled to be recognized by US News & World Report,,” said Tresha Ward, Chief Executive Officer of Prospect Schools. “This recognition is a testament to the dedication of our faculty, staff and students. We are particularly proud of the success of our 'IB for All' program, which is preparing all of our graduates for college and beyond.”

The IB Diploma Program is a highly respected college preparatory program known for its challenging curriculum and focus on communication, research and many other skills.

Students in the IB program come out of it with critical thinking skills, writing skills, organizational skills, time management skills. These are rigorous, interesting classes that many high school students don't have the opportunity to take, said Graham Schneider, who teaches Theory of Knowledge, a core course in the internationally recognized program.

BPHS “IB for everyoneThe initiative demonstrates the school's commitment to providing all students with access to a world-class education, fostering a diverse and inclusive learning environment.

Historically you find IB programs in areas with more resources and with families that have more privileges, said Enuma Menkiti, Head of College at BPHS. As one of the only free and open schools in the area to offer this program, we wanted to do everything we could to make sure it was fairest.

circle Brooklyn Prospect High School

Brooklyn Prospect High School is a public high school located in Windsor Terrace, Brooklyn, that pairs students with excellent teachers in a college preparatory environment to learn the globally recognized International Baccalaureate (IB) program. Ninth through 10th graders enroll in classes specifically designed to promote a rigorous, internationally minded education that prepares them for both the NY State Regents exams and continuing study in the IB Diploma Program (IBDP ) in 11th and 12th grade.

circle Schools of perspective:

Founded in 2009, Prospect Schools is a K-12 college preparatory community where outstanding teachers prepare a diverse student body to have a positive impact on society and a lifelong passion for learning. Prospect Schools is comprised of 7 Brooklyn Prospect schools in the Brooklyn, Clinton Hill, Bed-Stuy, Sunset Park, and Windsor Terrance neighborhoods of Brooklyn, serving over 2,100 students.




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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