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Brazil: MSF teams aim to support most vulnerable in response to biggest climate disaster to date

Brazil: MSF teams aim to support most vulnerable in response to biggest climate disaster to date


Professionals face logistical challenges to reach the population affected by severe flooding in the state of Rio Grande do Sul.

The situation is catastrophic. When we arrived and toured the region by helicopter, we were able to view the cities from above and noticed that in some cases we couldn't even see the roofs of the houses. There are miles and miles, and all there is is water.

The account by Doctors Without Borders/Doctors Without Borders (MSF) medical coordinator Rachel Soeiro shows the impact of a disaster of such magnitude that is unprecedented in Brazilian history.

Extreme rainfall and flooding that hit the southern Brazilian state of Rio Grande do Sul isolated and forced the evacuation of entire cities. Roads were destroyed, bridges collapsed and the main airport, in the capital Porto Alegre, has been closed indefinitely. More than 460 state municipalities, out of a total of 497, have been hit.

Above all, she received irreparable human damage. According to provisional data, more than 150 people died and about 100 are still missing. Many people are without water, electricity and basic services. More than 2 million people were affected and over 600,000 were displaced. Makeshift shelters are being improvised in many places to host people who do not know when or if they will be able to return to their homes.

MSF support during the emergency

MSF's emergency teams are responding to the climate disaster in Rio Grande do Sul, with activities focused primarily on the most vulnerable populations. Helping people who are most vulnerable is one of MSF's main concerns in such situations, explains Dr Rachel Soeiro. These people were already facing difficult situations before the floods. But their needs have grown further and access to them has become more difficult, she says.

We are supporting local indigenous health authorities by providing medical aid, medicine supplies, water and food to indigenous communities. We visited indigenous communities such as Guajayvi and Kurity, in the municipalities of Charqueadas and Canelas. In one case, the population was totally isolated by rising waters and had more than ten days without help.

MSF's emergency teams are responding to the climate disaster in Rio Grande do Sul, with activities focused primarily on the most vulnerable populations. We are supporting local indigenous health authorities by providing medical aid, medicine supplies, water and food to indigenous communities. Doctor Rachel Soeiro examines a child in the indigenous community of Kurity, in the municipality of Canelas.

We also cooperate with the authorities to facilitate the delivery of water and food to isolated areas. As most of the roads are blocked, the organization of transport is very complex. Many places can only be reached by helicopter.

In the city of Canoa, in the metropolitan region of Porto Alegre, MSF is setting up two mobile clinics with teams of doctors, nurses, psychologists and health promoters, who will start working in shelters in the coming days.

In addition, we are offering remote mental health first aid training for professionals who are helping flood victims. Mental health support will remain a focus of MSF's emergency activities, along with medical consultations.

We know from our experience that there is a huge need for mental health and psychosocial support in emergency settings and the demand comes from both the population and professionals on the frontline.

Alvaro Palha, MSF psychologistBrazil

The scenario in the region is still very volatile, with erratic weather that could cause additional flooding or delay the return of people to their homes. MSF is continuously monitoring the situation and can adapt its response to provide the best possible assistance according to the most urgent needs.

MSF in Brazil

MSF implemented a mental health project to support victims of the socio-environmental disaster that affected Rio Grande do Sul last year. Between September and November 2023, MSF provided an emergency response to people affected by a cyclone and floods in the towns of the Taquari Valley. Over the course of about three months, we provided training to local professionals, including psychologists, social workers and education professionals. We also donated hygiene kits and offered health promotion activities to people who had to move to shelters. The same region was unfortunately severely affected by the most recent disaster and has recently been visited by an MSF team.




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