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Norman Wells and Tulita, NWT, will not receive barge deliveries this year

Norman Wells and Tulita, NWT, will not receive barge deliveries this year


Two NWT communities will not receive barge deliveries this year due to low water levels on the Mackenzie River.

On Thursday morning, the territorial government announced that Marine Transport Services would cancel ferries to Norman Wells and Tulita.

In a press release, the Department of Infrastructure wrote that the Mackenzie River near Fort Providence “is not navigable and includes obstructions such as large boulders and gravel bars in key maneuvering areas.”

It would not be safe for barges to cross the river, the department wrote.

“We have senior captains who have not seen stones or sand in the water [before]said Tracy St. Denis, assistant deputy minister of the department, in an interview.

The cancellation means the territory's fuel services division will deliver fuel to Tulita once winter arrives and the winter route opens.

St. Dennis said the department did some advance planning over the winter in case that happened, bringing extra fuel to Tulita to make sure the community would have enough if the boats were canceled. She said there is enough to last until the winter road season comes around.

The department also said it has notified Imperial Oil of the cancellation, as Imperial Oil sells fuel at Norman Wells.

The announcement comes two weeks after the NWT Government announced major changes to the barge schedule for 2024. This announcement meant that all cargo going north of Norman Wells would be re-routed to Tuktoyaktuk.

Last week, Buffalo Airways announced that it would offer discounted fares to fly cargo to Sahtu communities as a way to offset the impacts of changes in shipping schedules.

'Very disappointed'

Pascal Audet, deputy mayor of Norman Wells, said local and territorial representatives for the city had been sounding the alarm for some time about the possibility of the barge being canceled due to low water levels.

“We are very disappointed,” he said. “With that said, we are not at all surprised.”

He said he does not blame Marine Transport Services for canceling the situation in the Mackenzie River, but he expects the consequences of the decision to be felt throughout Norman Wells and surrounding communities.

“It's going to have a huge effect on the community any kind of significant construction project or construction project is going to be delayed. We have Imperial Oil here in town doing a big operation and they need to be re-supplied. The list just goes on and on,” he said.

St. Denise said her team, too, was disappointed. They had spent time this winter making plans for lighter barges or lighter weights so they could get barges in the Tulita and Norman Wells plans that were scrapped after recent estimates around Fort Providence showed they wouldn't it was safe to move loads.

She said some people had already released the cargo meant for the two communities. She said her department is contacting them to discuss options.

For Audet, the long-term solution is one that needs to be addressed immediately: a path to Norman Wells in all conditions. It's a well-known and long-standing call for the Mackenzie Valley Freeway project, which community members also pointed to as a solution last year after the Norman Wells and Tulita haul was also cancelled.

“The community is in dire straits here,” Audet said. “We need to be supplied and the river is no longer a viable supply route… We need the road.”

St. Denis said her department is going through the environmental assessment process for the road project.

“It is a mandate project for our government, absolutely,” she said.




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