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CBSA workers vote overwhelmingly in favor of strike action, border disruptions possible in summer

CBSA workers vote overwhelmingly in favor of strike action, border disruptions possible in summer


More than 9,000 members of the Public Service Alliance of Canada who work for the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) have secured a crushing strike mandate that could lead to significant disruptions to the flow of goods, services and people at Canadian ports of entry. entrance. the busy summer season approaches.

Members voted 96% in favor of taking industrial action during the strike ballot held from 10 April to 23 May 2024.

Taking industrial action is always a last resort, but this strong strike mandate underlines that our members are prepared to do what it takes to secure a fair contract, said Chris Aylward, PSAC National President. If they don't want a repeat of 2021, the Treasury Board and the CBSA must be prepared to come to the table with a fair offer that addresses our core issues.

Work action by CBSA personnel in 2021 nearly halted commercial cross-border traffic, causing huge delays at airports and borders across the country and a marathon 36-hour bargaining session to reach a deal.

PSAC-Customs and Immigration Union (CIU) members at CBSA include border services officers at airports, land points of entry, seaports and commercial ports of entry, inland enforcement officers, intelligence officers, investigators, trade officers and non-uniformed headquarters staff.

The workers have been without a contract for more than two years, yet the Treasury Board and CBSA are not yet prepared to negotiate an agreement that protects workers and continue to seek concessions at the bargaining table.

Key issues in this round of talks include fair wages that are in line with other law enforcement agencies across the country, flexible telecommuting and telecommuting options, equal retirement benefits and stronger protections around discipline, technological changes and working hours.

The response of our members to this vote has been unprecedented, we have extended the voting period to meet overwhelming demand from workers, said Mark Weber, CIU National President. We were sending a clear message to employers: we were prepared to fight for fair wages, equal retirement and to make CBSA a better place to work.

Possible strike action in June

The two sides last met at a Public Interest Commission (PIC) hearing on April 22. The Commission's report is expected to be released ahead of mediation sessions scheduled to begin on June 3 to seek a solution to the impasse in talks. PSAC-CIU will be in a legal strike position following the publication of the report.

We were committed to achieving a fair contract that protects workers and improves working conditions for our members, Aylward said. As the summer travel season approaches, we hope the Trudeau Liberal government will make these negotiations a top priority. The window to avoid a strike is closing fast.

CBSA personnel deserve fair wages that are in line with other law enforcement agencies across the country and a fair pension regime.




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