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This is why skipping a morning meal can have a negative impact on your health

This is why skipping a morning meal can have a negative impact on your health


According to a clinical study conducted by The Ohio State University on more than 30,000 American adults, adults skip breakfast and lack calcium, vitamin C, fiber, vitamins, and minerals, so adults can use these nutrients all day long. May be missing.

The· Research Journaled-The minutes of the Nutrition Society show that adults who skip breakfast are more likely to miss the major nutrients most abundant in the foods that make up their morning meal.

“What we see is that if you don’t eat the foods that are commonly consumed at breakfast, you tend not to eat the rest of the day. Therefore, these common breakfast nutrients are It’s a nutritional gap, “said Christopher. Taylor, Professor of Medical Nutrition at Ohio State University School of Medicine and Senior Author of Research.

According to the latest USDA dietary guidelines, calcium, potassium, fiber, and vitamin D are considered “public health concerns” by the average American because of their lack of these nutrients. It has been done. It is related to health problems.

Most breakfast-related studies focus on the effects of missing a morning meal on school children, such as out-of-focus and behavioral problems.

“For adults, it’s like” knowing how important breakfast is. ” But now we can see the real consequences of missing breakfast, “says Taylor.

He has completed a study with Stephanie Fanelli and Christopher Walls, graduate students of The Ohio State University of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences. Studies supported by the local dairy association.

The team used data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES), which collects health information from approximately 5,000 national representative samples each year through interviews, clinical tests, and physical examinations.

The sample for this study included 30,889 adults aged 19 years and older who participated in the study between 2005 and 2016. Researchers at The Ohio State University analyzed data from 24-hour meal recall participants completed as part of the NHANES study.

“During the recall, participants self-designate their meal opportunities as meals or light meals and tell them when they ate the food they reported,” said Fanelli, the lead author of the study. “That’s how to determine if someone is a breakfast eater or a breakfast eater.”

In this sample, 15.2% of participants, or 4,924 adults, reported skipping breakfast. Using the Federal Dietary Research Food Nutrition Database and daily dietary guidelines, researchers converted food data into nutrient estimates and MyPlate equivalents and compared them. Estimates of recommended nutrient intake established by the National Academy’s Food and Nutrition Board.

From fiber and magnesium to copper and zinc, with some important recommendations measured, breakfast skippers consumed less vitamins and minerals than those who ate breakfast. The differences were most pronounced with folic acid, calcium, iron, and vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, C, and D.

“We found that people who skipped breakfast are very likely to have not met the lower bounds of what people want to eat,” Fanelli said.

Compared to the Healthy Eating Index-2015, which assesses how well a range of foods are in line with federal recommendations, breakfast skippers have an overall lower quality diet than those who ate breakfast. It was.

For example, breakfast skippers were more likely to eat more sugar, carbs, and total fat during the day than those who nodded in the morning. This is partly due to the high level of snacks.

“Snack basically provides people who skip breakfast with a calorie intake equivalent to a meal,” Taylor said. “People who ate breakfast ate more total calories than those who didn’t, but those who skipped breakfast tended to have much more lunch, supper, and light meals, and the quality of their meals tended to be poor. . “

The data represent a day in each participant’s life, but the vast sample provides “nationally representative snapshots of the day,” Taylor said.

“It shows that those who skipped breakfast had one nutrient profile and those who ate breakfast had different nutrient profiles,” he said.

“It helps identify that this percentage of people are more likely to skip breakfast on a particular day, and that day’s dietary intake pattern captures the extra nutrients that their consumption basically missed. Showed that it wasn’t. At breakfast. ”

This story was published from a news agency feed without changing the text. Only the heading has changed.


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