Nearly 4,000 women suffer from menstrual problems after receiving the CCP virus vaccine
Thousands of women complain about menstrual health problems after being vaccinated against a deadly illness.
The Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) in the United Kingdom recorded nearly 4,000 problem cases with the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) virus vaccine until May 17, 2021. According to SundayTimes, this includes 2,734 reports related to Oxford University. AstraZeneca vaccine, Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine 1,158, Moderna vaccine 66.
Authorities acknowledge that the vaccine carries the risk of experiencing adverse side effects on the patient.
“MHRA carefully monitors reports of menstrual disorders (menstrual disorders) and unexpected vaginal bleeding after COVID-19 vaccination in the United Kingdom,” the agency said. website.. “Various menstrual disorders have been reported after all three COVID-19 vaccines, including heavier periods, delayed periods, and unexpected vaginal bleeding.”
However, the “independent experts” of the Human Medical Commission’s COVID-19 Vaccine Benefit Risk Expert Working Group and the Women’s Health Expert Advisory Group are still convinced that the CCP virus vaccine is due to time issues. not.
“Current evidence does not suggest an increased risk of menstrual disorders or unexpected vaginal bleeding after vaccination,” MHRA said on its website.
These “experts” explained that nearly 4,000 reports on menstrual problems were not sufficient to justify public health warnings.
“There are few reports of menstrual disorders and vaginal bleeding related to both the number of women vaccinated with the COVID-19 (CCP virus) vaccine and the generality of general menstrual disorders,” the agency said. Said.
However, Victoria Mare believes that the actual number of women suffering from menstrual problems is much higher than reported. Reproductive immunology leaders at Imperial College London have revealed that many women are unaware of MHRA’s Yellow Card Scheme. This allows patients to report suspicious side effects after taking jab.
“Many people” told men about experiencing a late or unusually heavy period after receiving the CCP virus vaccine.
“”[This is] It’s very similar to the reports you see on yellow cards, “she said. Yahoo life..
BL understands that women between the ages of 30 and 49 are at greatest risk of experiencing menstrual problems. This often includes “heavier than normal” bleeding and menstrual failure.
Menstrual disorders affect up to a quarter of women of childbearing age. Possible symptoms include late or early periods, with more or less than normal bleeding, and seizures. Hormonal changes and stress, as well as certain medical disorders and drugs, are often blamed for causing these complaints. Daily mail..
All three CCP virus vaccinations are touted as safe for women, but because of the risk of developing blood clots, British people under the age of 40 are regularly offered AstraZeneca alternatives. ..
The Joint Committee on Immunization and Immunization also recommends providing pregnant women with Pfizer and Modana vaccinations, if available.
Similar side effects have been recorded nationwide after vaccination. However, scientists are reluctant to identify a link between the CCP virus and menstrual problems.
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