The principal told the students not to worry about the diagnosis of hepatitis, the blood probe said
A school man involved in an infected blood scandal heard that the former principal told his students “don’t worry” after being told hepatitis was treated for hemophilia.
Nicholas Sainsbury On the second day of this week’s hearing, 57 provided de facto evidence of an infectious blood study focused on hemophiliacs who were treated for their illness when they were students of the Lord. Mayor Treloir College, Hampshire Between the 1970s and the 1980s.
Later, it was discovered that a hemophilia student was being treated for the disease using an infected blood product. HIV And hepatitis.
Sainsbury asked on Tuesday what happened when it happened at school. Hepatitis B In the fall semester of 1975, about 16 boys were diagnosed.
He states: “The only information we have provided so far was when the principal stood up and said at meal time.
“He said:’Don’t worry, there are two types of hepatitis-fatal, serious and non-serious, mild. Don’t worry because it’s a mild type.” That was all the information given to us. “
He added that it was “obstructive to see” how the school reacted to the diagnosed boys, and they were told by the cafeteria staff to return the dishes and dishes, and other students told them. Said marked with red spots to separate. ..
“I thought it was terrible,” he said. “No one ever mentioned it again.”
Sainsbury’s, who suffers from HIV, hepatitis B and hepatitis C, entered school in 1974 at the age of 11 and dropped out in 1980. He was treated with cryoprecipitate and plasma before entering school, where hemofil, lister, factor VIII and cryoplin.
He added that he remembers asking the nurse about the treatment he was receiving.
“We gradually began to obtain factor VIII concentrates,” he said. “I read the bottle warning, it said:” Warning, this product cannot be guaranteed to be virus-free. “
“I said to one of the hemophilia nurses,’What does this mean?’ And she said:’Oh, don’t worry, it’s only for legal purposes. . They get it from America. “
His question was asked before the school developed hepatitis B.
“I received all kinds of products that were there, I think because they were trying to get as close as possible to what they needed, unit by unit.
“In retrospect, it’s unbelievable that we didn’t try to limit ourselves to one product, but we always needed a large supply, so we probably had to get it from somewhere else,” he said. I did. ..
Sainsbury’s said he and his parents were unaware of the medications he received while attending school to support hemophilia and other school activities.
“There were many positives about it. We received education that we didn’t get and treatment that we didn’t get. But when I joined in 1974, it was a very tough administration. And it wasn’t very personal, “he said.
“I don’t think they knew how to tackle problems like cold, institutional and bullying. I endured serious bullying and witnessed. I was once attacked from behind – my glasses Punched through my ears, so you can imagine the amount of factor VIII needed for it. The boy (who did it) was fined 50 pence.
“Shouldn’t my parents be notified? And the bully’s parents? That’s right. They talk about consent, talk about communication, but nothing.”
Sainsbury was diagnosed with HIV in 1988 and was told by doctors “in a casual way” that he had “liver” in 1990, but hepatitis turned out a few years later in the mid-90s. Said that. C.
He discovered a diagnosis of hepatitis B in 2003 after participating in a class action lawsuit against a factor VIII manufacturer in the United States.
He said records showed that he was diagnosed in 1977 while he was at Lord Mayor Trelois University, but was unaware of the diagnosis.
Later in the afternoon, another student, Gary Bennett, submitted evidence during the investigation.
Bennett, who was diagnosed with HIV, hepatitis B and hepatitis C, attended school with his brother Tony as a “severe hemophiliac”, but Tony was in a much worse case.
Bennett said in his statement to the investigation that he and his siblings first received the Clioprecipitate, but when they began attending school, they received factor VIII during treatment. Stated. I hit his vein with a mallet. “
He said he was about 13 or 14 years old when he learned that he was infected with HIV because of many “bad batches”.
Bennett, along with 10 others, was called into the school’s classroom one day and told Dr. Wasef, a doctor at the school’s NHS center, to write down the number of specific batches of Factor VIII.
Then I called my parents and was told to check if the batch was at home. If I was at home, I had to go back to the hospital, but I didn’t explain why or tell my parents why.
In 1986 Bennett’s parents sat down with him and told them that he had been infected with HIV since 1982. This is a fact they learned through a local hospital.
“They haven’t received anything from Trelois,” he added.
Bennett learned about his diagnosis of hepatitis much later in his life.
Tony, who did not develop AIDS but became infected with HIV, died on Christmas Day 2005.
The school, then rebranded to Treloir’s, issued a statement on Monday that it “supports a campaign of truth, answer and justice by ex-students.”
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