End of Six Rules: No Indoor Mixing “Abolished on July 19th”
The Rule of Six will be deprecated along with other Covids on July 19th. Blockade Limits, reports say.
Indoor mixing restrictions are reportedly lifted so that British people can enjoy free days in mixed groups.
Guidance on social distance, face masks and working from home will also be abolished.
Insider says Boris Johnson He is determined to relax regulations next month and put rocket boosters under the devastated hospitality industry.
It comes after an internal government assessment warns that even maintaining limited rules longer will bring disaster to hundreds of thousands of jobs.
However, despite the great pressure from Tory lawmakers, it is understood that the date is unlikely to be moved up to July 5.
Boris Johnson (pictured running this morning) warned that maintaining limited limits longer would be devastating to the hospitality industry and hundreds of thousands of jobs, after an internal government assessment warned July 19th. Preparing to give a green light for a drastic unlocking day
Despite rising infections, the UK is heading for herd immunity and could be lifted from all Covid restrictions by July 19th.
Sources Sun The prime minister gets stuck on July 19th, Free Day, and rule 6 is shelved.
Social distance, face masks, and telecommuting guidance are all expected to be abandoned as Britain dramatically recedes towards normal.
However, Johnson will announce on Monday that the easing of the blockade will not be carried over to July 5.
The plan could put England on a different course than Scotland, after Nicola Sturgeon delayed the latest stage of its slack by three weeks yesterday.
Professor Niall Ferguson, known as Professor Lockdown, was optimistic about the new data this morning.
He said hospitalizations increased and mortality did not show a significant increase while the number of cases increased.
He told BBC Radio 4’s Today program that two doses of vaccine appear to provide “high levels” of protection against severe illness.
Mr Johnson Freedom Day was sensationally delayed from June 21st, amid concerns about cases of Indian (or Delta) variants in the UK.
The prime minister argued that another four weeks would be needed to give more time to double jab before the final restrictions were lifted.
A senior government source said on July 19 that the Times minister “wants to be as normal as possible” with an emphasis on “personal responsibility.”
The UK recorded an additional 16,135 Coronavirus Today’s case-most common since early February.
Other promising data revealed yesterday that the country was one step closer to herd immunity, with 9 in 10 adults having antibodies to Covid.
A major National Bureau of Statistics (ONS) blood test survey highlighted the success of a huge UK vaccination campaign. This campaign is currently open to all adults in all four home countries. Almost 60 percent (31.5 million) over the age of 18 are completely jabed.
Daily infections increased by 51.5% in a week, but hospitalizations were a few weeks behind the cases, but increased by a factor of five, as it took weeks for infected patients to become seriously ill. There are still 1,380 Covid inpatients across the UK.
The death toll last week almost tripled, with 27 casualties recorded today compared to 10 last Thursday.
However, the average daily death toll is currently 13, and due to record delays, numbers can fluctuate daily.
Professor Ferguson told BBC Radio 4 today’s program that the current data are promising.
“The big picture encourages all surveillance data streams at this time,” he said.
“We see an increase in the number of cases nationwide, but it has slowed slightly compared to a few weeks ago, with an increase in hospitalizations and actual deaths, but still at a much lower level. It shows that the vaccine is more effective than before, especially in protecting people from serious illnesses compared to cases.
Professor Ferguson said the data is constantly flowing, but it is clear that “double vaccination provides a high level of protection and even infected people are” probably 50% less infected. ” “.
According to experts, the virus is currently concentrated in unvaccinated groups, including children, which is very confusing for schools and students to be absent from school for a period of time, but these measures are It has been found to be relatively effective. By stopping the outbreak of a very large explosive school in such a situation.
“Unfortunately, that situation will continue for a few more weeks before we pass the third wave of unfolding in the next few months.”
However, David Navarro, a special envoy of the World Health Organization Covid-19, suggested that masks should be worn and kept away in areas of high prevalence.
Dr. Navarro told Sky News that it was necessary to maintain protection against the virus in order to prevent it from rising more and more. It will be life in the future, at least until we have enough vaccine and enough certainty. Vaccination protects us. For now, I can’t say that. “
Dr. Navarro said that not only do we use the vaccine as part of our defense, but because of the variants, we need to continue at a distance from each other, and I’m physics. I’m going to suggest a part of the distance, especially in areas where there is a lot of virus, you will need to wear a 1 meter plus and a mask. You can’t just ignore it. “
Regarding workplaces, he said, “every workplace will have to ask questions.” “Is it right to stop wearing masks and keep distance?”
Although the number of deaths has quadrupled since late April, the number of deaths has been flat in recent weeks, but the No. 10 top scientists said that the surge in infections eventually resulted in deaths. Expected to increase.
Matt Hancock yesterday claimed that England was “on track” for the Free Day of July 19 to go as planned. However, he ruled out unlocking on July 5th.
A travel consultant at a PC agency suggests that 14 countries currently on the UK’s amber list can move to green.
Antibody-positive levels are highest in the elderly group, which received two doses but is rapidly rising even in young adults. In the first vaccinated person, the immunity rate leveled off above 99%, indicating that almost everyone has at least some protection against the virus.
The Minister of Health claimed that there were signs of a “slowdown” in growth for the first time since the Indian variant took off. He also said hospitalizations were on the rise, but not rapidly, and deaths were still “very very few.”
In the UK, nearly 10,000 infections are currently recorded, compared to the 2,000 infections in late April when the “Delta” variant was first sown domestically.
However, the rate of weekly increase in cases dropped from 65% earlier this month to about 35%.
Currently, only 1,290 people are being treated at Covid’s hospital, but at the peak of the second wave, about 40,000. Current numbers are significantly better than the best scenarios modeled by some scientific groups within SAGE.
Weekly coronavirus deaths continue to decline. According to a weekly report from the National Bureau of Statistics yesterday, 84 deaths have been registered across England and Wales in the last seven days, the lowest number since September last year.
The same set of statistics also shows that Covid accounted for only 0.8% of all deaths recorded in both countries in the last week, with influenza and pneumonia killing 10 times more patients than the coronavirus.
Has the UK’s third wave already peaked? In the UK, nearly 10,000 infections are currently recorded, compared to the 2,000 infections in late April when the “Delta” variant was first sown domestically. However, the rate of weekly increase in cases has dropped from 65% earlier this month to nearly 30%, suggesting that outbreaks peaked by the first week of June.
Analysis of the data by MailOnline also revealed that more than one-third of the more than 300 councils in both countries have not died from Covid since April.
The UK’s impressive vaccination program is the driving force behind the surge in people showing signs of immunity and low hospitalizations.
Throughout the UK, 43.1 million people take at least one jab.
The UK is expected to hit another milestone in yesterday’s deployment, and the minister hopes to pass the figure of 60 percent of fully vaccinated adults.
However, the IT system crashed on Monday afternoon, delaying daily vaccinations.
Due to this problem, clinicians could not record the person who received the jab in the usual digital way and had to record it with a pen and paper instead.
This will back up your system and you will have to manually enter the running data. This is time consuming considering that hundreds of thousands of doses are given daily.
Even if I made a reservation, I was prompted to get a jab because the service was the same. The problem was also an isolated case. In other words, the general public was able to access the booking site as usual.
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