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US Coronaviruses: These are the two major groups currently hit hardest by Covid-19.

US Coronaviruses: These are the two major groups currently hit hardest by Covid-19.


Throughout the pandemic, blacks are disproportionately affected by Covid-19, accounting for about 12.5% ​​of the population, but more than 15% of all deaths, according to data from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. .. In May, that percentage rose to 19%.

Recently, the average age of people who die of the virus has also become younger. Adults under the age of 40 account for about 3% of all Covid-19 deaths in May, more than double all deaths since the outbreak of the pandemic.

Medical professionals in the United States have recognized the gap in vaccine availability while vaccines are available.Vaccines now show high protection against severe illness, enough for the CDC director to reach out to the most people. New Covid-19 deaths “fully preventable” -Even if dangerous Delta variant Increased has.

Authorities are motivated by the belief that people hesitating due to incorrect information, are not at risk, or cannot be vaccinated due to lack of access to technology or community. Hope to pick up the decline in vaccination rates by reaching no people.

“As more Americans rolled up their sleeves to get vaccinated, we cut off the ability of the Covid-19 virus to cause more illness and more suffering,” said the CDC director. Dr. Rochelle Walensky said on Tuesday. “This new virus has forced too many families to accept death as a result of too many loved ones, but it shouldn’t be the case now.”

The benefits of vaccination outweigh the risk of myocarditis

Some fears surrounding vaccination against the virus include Inflammation of the heartHowever, CDC researchers say the benefits of the vaccine far outweigh the risks.

The US Food and Drug Administration will add a warning about the risk of myocarditis and pericarditis to the Covid-19 mRNA vaccine information sheet, FDA officials said Wednesday.

Currently, more infectious mutants make up 20% of the coronavirus samples tested, Fauci said.

Myocarditis is caused by inflammation of the heart muscle, and pericarditis is inflammation of the tissues surrounding the heart.

CDC researchers told the authorities’ vaccination advisory board at a virtual meeting on Wednesday that dozens of cases of myocarditis could occur for every two doses of one million doses. ..

Meanwhile, data show that each one million second vaccinations prevents 5,700 Covid-19 cases, 215 hospitalizations, 71 intensive care unit admissions, and two deaths. It is estimated that there may be 56 to 69 cases of myocarditis.

People who experience myocarditis after receiving the vaccine often recover quickly, pediatric cardiologist Dr. Matthew Oster told the committee.

Oster, a member of the CDC Covid-19 Vaccine Task Force, said that people with myocarditis may experience diminished cardiac function, but in post-vaccination cases, “so far, that function has recovered fairly quickly. I tend to do it. ”

He emphasized that “usually there is a quick solution” in most cases, but still needs long-term data.

Following the Commission’s discussions, an unusual alliance between the government, health organizations and groups has signed a joint statement approving vaccination.

“As doctors, nurses, public health and healthcare professionals, and for many of us, as parents, we find that many Americans have a great interest in the safety of the COVID-19 vaccine. I understand. The medical group said in a joint statement: “The facts are clear. This is a very rare side effect and only a very small number of people experience it after vaccination.”

CDC to monitor infection to determine booster

As the virus continues to spread, the number of mutants increases, and some experts are worried that the time will come when current vaccines will not be able to fight the developed mutants.Researcher says booster It may be the answer to the vaccine.

“We plan to give a boost between ministries,” Warensky said at the Milken Future of Health Summit Wednesday. “Honestly, if we see more illnesses, we want to make sure we have a mechanism and are ready to fight it.”

Unvaccinated Americans are at risk for perhaps the more dangerous Covid-19 mutant.These are the most vulnerable states

CDC researchers are closely monitoring the data to see if Covid-19 vaccine booster shots will be needed in the future. This is especially true for risky groups.

They include long-term care resident, adults over 65, healthcare professionals, and immunocompromised patients.

Information that helps researchers decide if they need boosters and who gets them may come in part from the so-called breakthrough case increase, federal vaccine advisors said. It was.

“We really really really need to wait for more data,” ACIP member Dr. Sharon Frey said at a meeting Wednesday. “What we can do at this point is our clue that if people are re-infected or new infections in vaccinated people begin to increase, it is necessary for us to act swiftly. I think.”

CNN’s Deidre McPhillips, Jacqueline Howard, Maggie Fox, Jamie Gumbrecht and Naomi Thomas contributed to this report.


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