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COVID-19 Drugs: Why is ivermectin so popular in the warning of inefficiency?

COVID-19 Drugs: Why is ivermectin so popular in the warning of inefficiency?


The University of Oxford, in the midst of guidelines around the world, has launched an extensive study to investigate the use of the COVID-19 drug ivermectin for the treatment of the virus, warning against the administration of the drug.

In addition, some experts say that antiparasitic drugs seem to be ineffective against COVID-19, which has infected more than 180 million people and killed more than 1 million people worldwide. Suggests.

This new study also warns of the use of ivermectin in guidelines around the world. World Health Organization The drug is recommended for use only in the background of clinical trials, and the US Food and Drug Administration warns of its use in humans.

In this regard ThePrint Indian doctors reported that ivermectin was widely used in the second phase of the pandemic, but the government removed ivermectin from the list of recommended COVID-19 treatments earlier this month.

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Science Times-COVID-19 Drugs: What are the warnings about inefficiency that keep ivermectin popular?

(Photo: Heung Soon on AIX)
In the midst of guidelines around the world, extensive research has been conducted to investigate the use of the COVID-19 drug ivermectin for the treatment of the virus, warning the administration of the drug.

Why is ivermectin so popular?

Even Merck, the manufacturer of ivermectin, said in a February statement that there was a lack of scientific evidence for the potential therapeutic effect of the drug on COVID-19.

Despite these, scientists continue to investigate the effectiveness of treatment COVID-19 infection Primarily because of the affordability of the drug, the established safety profile, and the wide range of affordability.

One of the studies done on the efficacy of the drug against the virus that came out in American Journal of Therapeutics..

Indian doctors are controversial about the efficacy of ivermectin as a COVID-19 drug, but admit that it is low-cost, safe, and easily accessible.

According to Dr. Kabir Sardana of Ram Manohar Lohai Hospital, he recently wrote to the Indian Council Medical Research or ICMR, which listed several studies supporting the use of ivermectin in patients with moderate to mild COVID-19.

Drugs are effective in the first stages of infection, when the virus is still growing, Al Dana says, claiming that drugs are instead pushing out expensive drugs.

Dr. Desh Deepak, a pulmonologist at the same hospital, said the drug had little effect, but added that it was readily available, not to mention considered safe.

No noticeable effect

Dr. Deepak also said that ivermectin had no significant effect on patients with COVID-19. They prescribe the drug to all patients during the second wave of the pandemic because they know it is not harmful.

Nonetheless, infections in these patients, with the exception of ivermectin, progressed independently as they did otherwise.

Meanwhile, Dr. Shital Poojary, a dermatologist examining patients with COVID-19 at KJ Somaija Medical College in Mumbai, said ivermectin was widely used in the first wave when much information about the virus was not understood. It was.

Dermatologists explained that they have confirmed that patients with mild to moderate COVID-19 are benefiting from ivermectin treatment. He also said they did not see any disturbing side effects on their patients.

Similarly, Dr. Sandeep Garg, a professor of medicine at Maurana Azad Medical University in Delhi, said that ivermectin as a COVID-19 drug is promising, but clear scientific evidence is still lacking.

Reduce viral load in 2 hours

A team at Monash University in Australia found that the drug could reduce intracellular viral load within two hours. However, experts said the levels of drugs used in these studies were not safe for human consumption.

A review published in the American Journal of Therapeutics has been used by American physicians, namely Pierre Collie, Paul Malik, and others to support the use of ivermectin.

Nonetheless, previous editions of this article were rejected by another journal due to a series of solid, unsubstantiated claims based on studies with inadequate statistical substance.

Related information can be found in Dr. Mike Hansen’s YouTube video below.

Related article: Booster Shots After COVID-19 Vaccination: Health Experts See Need for Additional Jab

Check out more news and information about COVID-19 (New Coronavirus Infection) At Science Times.


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