Researchers have discovered the health benefits of Connecticut-grown sugar kelp
When most Americans think of seaweed, they probably remind us of the slimy plant images they encounter on the beach. However, seaweed can also be a nutritious food. A pair of UConn researchers recently discovered that Connecticut-grown sugar kelp may help prevent the development of conditions associated with weight gain and obesity.
In a treatise published in Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry According to Professor Park Young-ki (Associate Professor of Nutrition) and Professor Lee Ji-young (Department of Nutrition) of the Faculty of Agriculture, Health and Natural Resources, the researchers reported important findings in support of nutrition.Benefits of Connecticut-Growed Sugar kelp.. They found that laminaria saccharifto inhibits liver inflammation and fibrosis in a diet-induced mouse model. Non-alcoholic steatohepatitis, Fatty liver disease..
They studied the differences between the three groups of mouse models, making two high-fat diets, but incorporating a type of sugar kelp seaweed, For one diet. The third group ate a low-fat diet as a healthy control. The group that ate sugar kelp weighed less and had less adipose tissue inflammation than the other high-fat groups. This is an important factor in many obesity-related disorders.
Ingesting sugar kelp also helped prevent the development of fatty liver and the accumulation of fat in the liver. Non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) is a condition often associated with obesity and can cause liver inflammation and hypofunction.
Mice fed a sugar kelp diet also had a healthier intestinal flora. Microbiomes are a collection of bacteria and other microorganisms in and above our body. The diversity and composition of the microbial flora is the key to maintaining many health functions.
“I wasn’t surprised to see the data because I knew that seaweed was healthy,” Lee said. “But this is still very surprising data, as it is the first scientific evidence of the health benefits of Connecticut-grown sugar kelp.”
This study is the first time researchers have investigated the association between kelp produced in the United States and obesity.
“So far, we haven’t studied this kind of aspect,” Park says.
Park and Lee saw the opportunity to study the nutrition of growing seaweeds. Agriculture In the United States. They wanted to encourage people to consume seaweed by collecting specific data on the health benefits of sugar kelp.
“Consumers these days are getting smarter and smarter,” says Lee. “Nutrition is very important for the growth of the Connecticut seaweed industry.”
Researchers specifically used Connecticut sugar kelp because Connecticut regulates the safety of seaweed. This is important for monitoring heavy metals that seaweed may absorb from water.
Most of the seaweed consumed in the United States is imported. Park and Lee hope that further research on the benefits of locally grown seaweed will encourage consumers to support the state side of the industry.
“It’s really a growing industry in the world,” says Lee.
After this pre-completionClinical trialResearchers are now hoping to move to clinical research to investigate the potential benefits of sugar kelp over other health concerns. sugar Kelp for their diet.
This work represents a fruitful collaboration between researchers, farmers, and the state.
“Farmers need to know what we’re doing, which helps us grow sales,” says Park. “We can be partners.”
Park and Lee would like to work with Connecticut Seagrant and Anoushka Concepcion, an extension educator of the UConn Extension Program, to build a stronger partnership with Connecticut seaweed producers.
Mi-Bo Kim et al, Sugar Kelp (Saccharina latissima) suppresses liver inflammation and fibrosis in a mouse model of diet-induced non-alcoholic steatohepatitis. Journal of Nutrition and Biochemistry (2021). DOI: 10.1016 / j.jnutbio.2021.108799
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University of Connecticut
Estimate: Researchers obtained Connecticut sugar kelp (2021) from on June 24, 2021 Did. June 24, 2014)
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Source link Researchers have discovered the health benefits of Connecticut-grown sugar kelp
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