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Eighty-five percent of Yukon’s COVID-19 cases among unvaccinated people say top doctors


Whitehorse — The Yukon Territory has been knocked off the pedestal as it is dealing with a surge in COVID-19 cases, said the region’s top doctors.

Dr. Brendan Hanley said there were more cases in Yukon in the last 14 days than in the first 14 months of the pandemic.

“For months, like a pedestal, with zero active cases and high vaccination rates, all of Canada’s eyes were on us,” he said at a press conference Wednesday. ..

“And now the reasons why the same eyes are on us are very different. Since the beginning of COVID-19, the most serious outbreaks have occurred in highly vaccinated areas.”

He said the next few weeks will determine the future of the Yukon Territory and help other jurisdictions learn how to manage outbreaks in highly vaccinated populations.

The territory reported another death and four new infections on Wednesday, bringing the number of active cases to 103.

Of the total of 144 recent outbreaks, 122 were unvaccinated people between the ages of 1 and 90, he said.

The new infection indicates that a 72 percent immunization rate is not enough to prevent the spread of COVID-19 and that at least 80 percent of the population should receive their shots, he said. It was.

According to Hanley, the current outbreak, boosted by the more contagious gamma mutants first detected in Brazil, gathered for a high school graduation event, two classes in primary school, a bush and a house party. Related to several groups.

Yukon Prime Minister Sandy Silver said enforcement will be strengthened to ensure compliance with COVID-19 measures as infections continue to increase, but no new restrictions will be introduced.

People may feel uneasy as the number of incidents increases, Hanley said, but the territorial response is to manage the outbreak rather than locking doors and borders or fearingly withdrawing into the house. It was.

“Outbreaks continue to be part of our new normal. Vaccines have made it possible to initiate a difficult and rocky transition from a pandemic to endemic. In making that shift, We need to coordinate our approach to how to predict, manage, and control outbreaks. “

There is no “risk-free approach” to following the boundaries of outbreaks and introducing more restrictions, Hanley said, which can lead to mental health problems.

“Look at suicide. See how addiction and addiction got worse. Look at alcohol injuries and look at opioids. Don’t assume that public health restrictions aren’t affected. “

The outbreak was likely associated with one case that occurred before and after Victoria Day and spread at a rally in June, but it is difficult to know when and who was the first infection.

“I’m very surprised that we found the source,” Hanley said. “Usually we don’t.”

He said there is usually a gap between the introduction and detection of infection.

“You can’t stitch together enough information to get the story, and the person is no longer waving the flag saying they have a COVID.”

Hina Alam in Vancouver

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