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Can a calculator predict the risk of dementia?

Can a calculator predict the risk of dementia?


Can a calculator predict the risk of dementia?

Researchers build an online computer that enables individuals over the age of 55 to better understand their brain health and how they can reduce their risk of being diagnosed with dementia over the next five years. And verified. Credit: Project Big Life

Canadian researchers at Ottawa Hospital, University of Ottawa, Bruyer Institute, and ICES understand how individuals over the age of 55 can better understand brain health and reduce the risk of being diagnosed. We built and verified an online computer that can be used. Dementia for the next 5 years.

Their process is today Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, And the calculator are available at

Dementia is a general term for amnesia and other thinking abilities that are so severe that they interfere with daily life. 76,000 new cases of dementia are diagnosed each year in Canada, and the number is expected to increase as the population ages.

There is no cure or cure for dementia. However, about one-third of dementia can be prevented by lifestyle factors such as physical activity, a healthy diet, and alcohol reduction. , Management of conditions such as diabetes and diabetes ..

Researchers have created a dementia calculator based on survey data from more than 75,000 Ontarians.

“What makes this dementia risk calculator stand out is that you don’t have to see a doctor for the test,” said Stacy, the lead author of a PhD study primarily in Ottawa. Dr. Fisher said. .. Students supervised by Dr. Doug Manuel and Dr. Peter Tanuseputro of Ottawa Hospital. “People already have all the information they need to comfortably complete a calculator at home.” Dr. Fisher is currently a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Toronto and Ontario Public Health.

The factors behind the Dementia Population Risk Tool (DemPoRT) are:

  • age
  • Smoking status and lifetime exposure
  • Alcohol consumption
  • Physical activity
  • stress
  • diet
  • Attribution
  • Ethnicity
  • Immigration status
  • Socio-economic situation in the neighborhood
  • education
  • Activities that need support
  • marital status
  • Number of languages ​​spoken
  • Health

Calculators help individuals assess their risk of dementia and change their lifestyle. Researchers also aim for policy makers to do the same with this algorithm. ..

Through this study, the team developed the first predictive tool designed to predict dementia at the population level. It is used to predict new cases within the community, identify high-risk populations, inform dementia prevention strategies, and support Canada’s national dementia strategy. By using health data and surveys collected on a regular basis Health professionals have all the information they need to use the algorithm.

“This tool helps people to give clues about what they can do to reduce their personal risk of dementia,” said Bruyer, a senior author of the study and a scientist at Ottawa Hospital. Dr. Peter Tanuseputro, a researcher at the institute, said. , Part-time scientist at ICES and assistant professor at the University of Ottawa. “The COVID-19 pandemic also revealed that socio-demographic variables such as ethnicity and neighbors play a major role in our health. It is important to include these variables in our tools. did. It helps to understand how different populations are affected by dementia and to ensure that prevention strategies are fair. “

The· The calculator will be added to Project Big Life’s list of existing calculators to help Canadians estimate their life expectancy based on their habits and lifestyle choices.

The· It was based on data from the Statistics Canada Canadian Community Health Survey housed in ICES. Currently designed for use in Canada, it can be adapted to any of the 100 countries that collect health. ..

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For more information:
Development and verification of algorithms for predicting the risk of dementia in a community environment. Stacey Fisher, Douglas G Manuel, Amy T Hsu, Carol Bennett, Meltem Tuna, Anan Bader Eddeen, Yulic Sequeira, Mahsa Jessri, Monica Taljaard, Geoffrey M Anderson, Peter Tanuseputro Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health.. June 25, 2021.

Provided by Ottawa Hospital

Quote: Can a calculator predict the risk of dementia? (June 25, 2021) Obtained June 25, 2021 from

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