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Versatile, fast and reliable SARS-CoV-2 antibody assay

Versatile, fast and reliable SARS-CoV-2 antibody assay


Fast, cheap, and reliable tests are increasingly important to determine if people have relevant antibodies, either by infection or vaccination, while the corona pandemic is ongoing. Will be. Researchers at the Technische Universität München (TUM) have developed such a rapid antibody test. Get results in just 8 minutes. The purpose is to reduce the processing time to another 4 minutes.

Currently, there are more than 20 different test procedures available to determine if a person has antibodies to the new coronavirus. Result wait times range from 10 minutes to 2.5 hours.

The matrix effect reduces the sensitivity of many methods. More sensitive assays require many steps and make them expensive. In addition, most tests can only identify a single type of antibody, so you should choose between vaccination and survival infections.

Interdisciplinary research team at Technische Universität München. Analytical chemistry and water chemistryHas developed a sensitive, highly specific, low-cost, automated rapid test for the detection of the three most important antibodies. This project, called CoVRapid, was funded by the Bavarian Research Foundation (BFS).

Proven process changes

Measurements are performed on foil-based sensor chips using the MCR microarray analysis platform of Munich-based supplier GWK Präzisionstechnik GmbH. The device displays the measurement results within minutes of injecting the blood sample.

The procedure still takes 8 minutes, but based on current research, the waiting time will soon be reduced to 4 minutes. Simultaneously analyze IgG antibodies against the SARS-CoV-2 receptor binding domain (RBD) protein fragment, peplomer protein (S1 fragment), and nucleocapsid protein (N).

Expandable for new mutants

The new mutant protein is very easy to integrate into the chip. In this project, the research team is working with Planek-based company ISAR Bioscience to bioengineer and modify each viral protein for analysis. The process used to secure the protein to the sensor chip has been tried and tested for many years.

“We are already using this technology platform to develop reliable and rapid tests for antibiotics and Seidelella in milk,” said Adjunct, Head of Bioanalysis and Microanalysis Systems Group, TUM’s division. Professor Michael Seidel said. Analytical chemistry and water chemistry.. “This system has proven to be in practical use. Therefore, our” CoVRapid “quick test may be deployed in clinics, clinics and laboratories in the very near future. .. “

New test answers questions about corona immunity

However, much more is possible with the new rapid inspection. Microarray technology, which can accommodate up to 100 measurement points on a single chip, is so sensitive that it can also measure the concentration of antibodies in a sample.

“In the current study, how effective is vaccination? How long does immunity last? When should vaccination be re-administered? Due to its high sensitivity, CoVRapid finds answers to these questions. “It helps,” said lead author Julia. Klüpfel.

In the long run, the team also plans to include other pathogens in the panel, so assays can be used, for example, to assess the effectiveness of influenza vaccination.

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