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Studies say vegetarians are more likely to suffer mental disorders than meat eaters


Carnivore vs vegetarian
(Photo: Photo by Dan Gold of Unsplash) One study found that vegetarians are more likely to develop depression and anxiety than meat eaters.

New research published in A critical review of food science and nutrition It suggests that non-meat eaters are more likely to experience psychological problems such as depression, anxiety, and self-harm compared to carnivores.

Or latervegetarian‘Into many subcategories, the researchers decided to focus on those who refrain from eating meat.

This study reviewed 18 previous studies on the relationship between meat consumption and psychological health. The survey included approximately 149,559 meat consumers and 8,584 forbidden meat families in Asia, Europe, North America and Oceania.

Researchers do not mention the causative factors, but researchers found that those who refrain from eating meat tend to be at higher risk of depression, anxiety, and self-harm than those who do not. Claims to have found undeniable evidence that there is.

According to Urska Dobersek, an associate professor at the University of Southern Indiana and one of the authors of the study, a person’s dietary choice can significantly indicate their social class and help their spouse’s choice. She adds that what one eats and how one eats has a direct impact on one’s health in a variety of social, physiological, and psychosocial aspects.

She added that the team was surprised at how the relationship between avoiding meat and increasing prevalence of mental illness spread to the community. Dobersec also emphasized that their research does not support avoiding meat as a way to benefit their psychological health.

Also read: 84% of vegetarians reconvert to meat eaters in months

The two studies provided some evidence of causality, with mixed results. Randomized controlled trials have reported that vegetarians feel significantly better than those who eat both meat and vegetables and fish after the trial. However, long-term studies have found that the vegetarian diet later suggests that it can cause depression and anxiety.

According to Dobersek, equivalence is not causal as it provides clarification of the consequences. She noted that individuals dealing with mental illness may change their diet as a way of self-treatment.

She added that many individuals with eating disorders use vegetarianism as a “mask” to mask illness. Similarly, an individual who is incredibly keen on animal suffering can be both vegetarian and depressed or anxious.

Dobersek further notes that two major issues need to be addressed to fully understand the correlation between meat consumption and mental health. Why is the first question Vegetarians return to eating meatThe second is whether dietary changes occur before or after psychological problems become apparent.

She and her colleagues decided to direct a systematic review as research on meat abstinence became increasingly inconsistent. Her research argues that humans are naturally omnivorous, and thus recommending a “diverse diet” is irrational and provides further evidence that it can be debilitating.

Dobersek has her co-authors Gabriel Wye, Joshua Adkins, Sidney Altmeyer, Kite Wrinkle, Karl J. Laby, and Edward Archer all prescriptions and recommendations.Fictitious discourse about the relationship between diet and illness

Also read: Is vegetarian good for your health?

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