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“The best vaccine for a second dose is the first vaccine available,” said a deputy health care officer in Renfrew County.

“The best vaccine for a second dose is the first vaccine available,” said a deputy health care officer in Renfrew County.


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Deputy Chief Medical Officer for Health at Renfrew County and District Health Units reminds local residents that the best COVID-19 vaccine for a second dose is the first available vaccine.

In a press release issued on Friday afternoon, June 25, Dr. Robert Kushman said, “We strongly recommend that everyone receive a second vaccination as soon as possible.”

He also reiterated the message he delivered to residents earlier in the week, stating that vaccine mixing or replacement is a safe and effective option for obtaining protection from COVID-19.

“The two mRNA vaccines (Pfizer and Modana) are essentially the same, and vaccine mixes from different manufacturers are common,” said Kushman.

Vaccine replacement is not a new practice, according to a release issued by the Health Unit. When vaccine supplies and public health programs change, similar vaccines from different manufacturers are used.

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“The best vaccine for a second dose is the first available vaccine, but for the few who claim the same vaccine, we’ll do what we can to schedule you at a particular clinic at a later date,” Cushman said. Said. “But we have to remind you that the vaccine supply is unstable and this can lead to serious delays based on the limited supply of vaccines you want.”

The Health Unit said more information on this process will be available shortly.

As of Monday, June 28, 2021, all Ontarians over the age of 18 who received the first dose of the mRNA COVID-19 vaccine are eligible for a second appointment. According to instructions from the Health Unit, appointments should be made at least 28 days (4 weeks) after the first dose, according to the recommended intervals. Individuals who receive the AstraZeneca vaccine as the first dose are eligible for a second dose eight weeks after the first dose of either the mRNA vaccine or AstraZeneca.

Residents are required to book online in Renfrew County – COVID Vaccination Clinic Registration Because this is the fastest way. Alternatively, the COVID-19 vaccine will continue to be available through pharmacies. To find a pharmacy near you, visit the following COVID-19 pharmacy vaccine locations: ..In addition, if you can’t find a booking date and time that suits you and you can come at the last minute, give your nameThis allows residents to request last-minute or same-day reservations to be held at various clinics in Renfrew County and the district.

Due to the large number of vaccines, RCDHU requires everyone to book as soon as possible.

For more information on the second vaccination and vaccine exchange, please visit: .. For all other COVID-19 inquiries, please visit the RCDHU website. Alternatively, call 613-732-3629 or 1-800-267-1097.

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