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Is it safe to swim during COVID? Can COVID survive in the pool?

Is it safe to swim during COVID?  Can COVID survive in the pool?


Safe pool during covid allows covid to survive in the pool

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  • Federal health officials share that there is little or no evidence that COVID-19 can spread to individuals in a pool environment.
  • A new, unpublished study from Imperial College London suggests that a chlorinated pool can neutralize viral particles in just 30 seconds.
  • Regardless of the type of pool you choose to swim in, it is best to maintain social distance when possible. However, it is not recommended to wear a mask while swimming.

    This summer, scientists are ready to see how the COVID-19 pandemic affects our safety during seasonal activities, such as swimming cool in the pool of choice.Staff Centers for Disease Control and Prevention It has always claimed that SARS-CoV-2 (the virus behind the COVID-19 spread) is unlikely to spread to the pool, and issued a statement in May suggesting a hot tub. And child-friendly water playground It was also a safe place. “There is no evidence of SARS-CoV-2. Virus that causes COVID-19, It can spread to people through the water in these places, “the Health Organization website is currently reading.

    And now there is more evidence that your intuition may help you understand why pools are less risky than they might make you believe. In a laboratory setting, researchers at Imperial College London in the United Kingdom mixed pool water with the infectious SARS-CoV-2 virus. ..Observe and share results In preview of future researchResearchers have found that chlorinated pool water can inactivate the virus in some cases in just 30 seconds.

    He explains that the reason pools are effective in inactivating planktonic SARS-CoV-2 particles is due to the chlorine or bromine treatment used to maintain water. Sudeb Dalai, MD, Ph.D., Infectious disease specialist at Stanford University School of Medicine. However, even freshwater sources such as lakes and ponds are not considered to be a source of COVID-19 risk concerns. The disease spreads primarily to these areas as people approach each other beyond social distance.

    Can the coronavirus survive in the pool?

    Theoretically it is. Dr. Dalai states that infectious respiratory droplets can enter the pool. “But at that point the virus may have been neutralized. [by chemical treatments], Or spread to the extent that infection is unlikely, “Dalai states.

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    When swimming in a crowded pool that does not offer you an opportunity, you are more likely to face the COVID-19 risk Maintain social distance, Especially when swimming in indoor facilities. As CDC officials have declared, COVID-19 spreads primarily when infectious respiratory droplets or aerosols are inhaled by those around them. The disease also affects the skin after touching a contaminated surface, and viral particles can enter the mouth, nose, or eyes.

    Due to lack of evidence suggesting that the outbreak of COVID-19 was due to public pools, many local governments overturned last year’s policy of keeping these facilities closed. Americans may return to their favorite swimming spots in time for the summer vacation season. Angels To Chicago And to the south Albuquerque It has already resumed full operation.

    How to safely swim in the pool during COVID:

    You need to Maintain a commitment to hand hygiene While you’re out to the public pool this summer, it doesn’t matter if it’s run by a local city or in a place like a resort or gym. Please bring a hand sanitizer This keeps your hands as clean as possible between ladders, diving platforms, lounge chairs, and anything else you might touch throughout the day.

    You should also wear a mask when visiting the indoor pool and keep a social distance from large numbers of swimmers to keep the risk of COVID-19 low. It is important to wear a mask in these spaces, Do not wear a mask while swimming, as swimming in a wet mask poses a great risk of choking. There may also be additional rules regarding competencies and social distances set by the manager of your municipality or facility.

    Of course, the easiest way to enjoy frequent trips to the pool and reduce most of the COVID-19 risk Is to be completely vaccinated before doing so..Vaccination may eliminate the need to wear a mask at modern pool facilities CDC update to mask mandates In public. If anything, slowly and slowly cooling down in the local pool after successfully completing the last booster shot can be a great summer reward.Just add It on the list of rewards Related to vaccines!

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