Keto, a long-lasting tendency?New Keto products will be doubled in the last year
According to Mintel’s global new product database, the number of new food and beverage sales in the United States that advertise the term “keto” in product descriptions has nearly doubled from 1.2% of total food and beverage sales over the past year. (June 2019-May 2020), accounting for 2.3% of launches (June 2020-May 2021), continued consumer and market interest in high-fat, low-carb diets It shows that it is.
Also, Google search trend data suggests that consumer interest has cooled over the last three years (see graph below), but Americans reported after the 2021 and 2020 diets It is slightly less. According to IFIC survey dataLauren Gibbons, marketing director for Label Insight (now part of Nielsen IQ), commented that clockwork-like ketogenic diets are typically experiencing a surge in online shopper activity, updated at the beginning of each calendar year. doing.
“There was a seasonal surge around Keto. The amount of searches [on Amazon] In the first quarter [2021] An increase of 23% compared to the fourth quarter, suggesting a trend due to the New Year and early spring diets in early 2021. “Gibbons told Food Navigator-USA.
The top categories of searches on Amazon are bread and bread, cereals, health and recovery drinks and powders, cookies, ice cream, baking mix, pasta, and the top search terms are “Keto” “Ketopan” “Keto cereal” “Keto paste” “Keto ice cream” “Keto cookie”and “Keto protein powder”.
Still, brands may have greater opportunities to take advantage of Ketotrends, Gibbons said.
“Despite being eligible, the number of products claiming a ketogenic on-package is still small. Almost 98% of products that may claim a ketogenic diet are not.” she said.
Keto by category
SPINS-Filtered retail sales data by attribute “Diet-Ketogenic Diet”Sales of ketogenic products increased to identify products in the database that are acceptable for ketogenic diets (eg, low or no net carbohydrate content as determined by nutritional analysis), but 5.16. In the 52 weeks ending at 21, the last 52 weeks still recorded solid numbers (+ 5.99% vs. + 8.14%) across Natural Enhanced and Conventional channels.
Within the measured channels, some categories showed stronger growth compared to others. For example, frozen ice cream products with low or no net carbohydrates surged 11.90.32% to $ 75.3 million in 2020 and increased 34.93% in 2021. Meanwhile, sales in 2021 increased by almost 100% compared to a decrease of -47.93% in 2020.
Sales in other subcategories of traditional high-carb foods in frozen sets, such as frozen waffles advertising low-carb content, were in Monster Year (52-week sales up to 5.16 from +4,4472.72%). $ 6.46 million). .twenty one). The emerging low-to-zero carb-frozen pasta segment, albeit a very small foundation, recorded + 665.99% sales growth between 2020 and 2021.
Bars, cereals, baking mixes, cookies
What about shelves, cereals, baking mixes, cookies and snacks that seem to be the most used of Keto’s trends in recent years? According to SPINS data, these types of products with low or net carb claims still record strong growth.
Products with low or no net carbohydrate content in the cookie and snack bar categories of shelf-stable foods showed + 21.31% dollar sales growth over the 2021 measurement period, with dollar sales seen in 2020. It has exceeded twice the growth of. With a qualified keto nutrition profile, sales increased significantly from + 0.49% growth in 2020 to + 21.69% in 2021 and measured channel-wide sales reached approximately $ 36.5 million.
However, growth slowed in 2021 in the storage-stable baking ingredients segment, which advertises low / no net carbs (including baking mixes, flour, pancake and waffle mixes) (+ 5.78). % Vs + 13.68%). According to SPINS data, sales of flour, pancake and waffle mixes are growing.
“If you’re just stepping on the scale, the ketogenic diet looks great.”
Originally prescribed as an alternative treatment for refractory epilepsy in children whose medications are ineffective, it was prescribed in 2019 as a way to help control diabetes.thIn the century, the ketogenic diet is not a new concept in the medical field.
However, its effectiveness as a weight loss plan, which is the main reason behind the recent surge in popularity, remains a new area of ​​research. Recent researchWe investigated the effects of a low-fat, high-carbohydrate diet and a high-fat, low-carbohydrate diet for two weeks in 20 adults.
This study was designed not as a weight loss study, but as a way to investigate two general weight loss theories. When you eat a high-fat diet, “Passive overconsumption” Calories are because 1 gram of fat has almost twice as many calories per gram as protein and carbohydrates; in the carbohydrate insulin model, people on a very low-fat, high-carbohydrate diet can show hunger. Dr. Hall explained that you will burn excess calories due to the spikes in sexual insulin levels.
“In short, we found that neither of these obesity models was true, but specifically, the carbohydrate insulin model that predicted more calories to be eaten-leading to weight gain-we disagree with the truth. I found that.. “
Both of these diets contained very little super-processed foods
Dr. Hall said that despite the spike in postprandial insulin and glucose, people in the low-fat, high-carbohydrate diet group actually eat close to 700 calories per day and have more body fat than if they consumed high-fat. I explained that I ended up losing. Fat diet during the study period.
However, the total weight loss for two weeks (pounds on the scale) was very similar on both diets. During the ketogenic diet phase of the study, participants lost weight in the first week, according to Hall, because people on a low-carb diet usually excrete more water.
“If you’re just stepping on the scale, the ketogenic diet looks great, especially during the first week because you’re eating a lot of calories and you’re losing a lot of weight. The problem is weight loss. Even in the first week when they outperformed the low-fat diet, there was actually no change in body fat.The low-fat diet slowed the overall weight loss, whereas they Was losing body fat at a much faster rate. “He said.
However, one thing to note is that the total amount of calories burned by participants after a high-fat diet decreased in the second week of the diet.
“It didn’t catch up with the low-fat diet, but it raises the question of what would happen if we did the study for another two weeks. Did they eventually normalize to the same level of low-fat diet? ? “
So what can consumers get rid of about weight loss and weight gain when following different diets? According to Dr. Hall, it is important to focus on eating Whole Foods.
“Neither of these diets contained very much super-processed foods. So far, the only diet that has led people to voluntarily gain weight consists of a high percentage of super-processed foods. It was a meal to be served. “He said.
A useful weight loss tool?
Lawrence J. Cheskin, a professor and chairman of the Department of Nutrition and Food Science at George Mason University’s Faculty of Health and Welfare, said he often recommends keto diets to patients as a weight management-focused practitioner. I have a fair amount of weight to lose.
“I often use it the first time I try a restricted diet, especially for those who need to lose weight. If someone needs to lose 10 pounds, a ketogenic diet is less important. Because almost everything you do in a month loses weight. “He told Food Navigator-USA.
“If you eat lean meat and egg yellow all day, it’s a heart attack diet.”
Patients on a high-fat diet should pay attention to their dietary choices and avoid the attractive but common pitfalls of enjoying a cheeseburger and bacon diet.
“If you eat lean meat and egg yellow all day long, we know that it’s a heart attack diet and it’s associated with poor cardiovascular health.”Dr. Cheskin advises clients to put mono-unsaturated or poly-unsaturated fat-rich foods such as salmon, nuts, and seeds, starch-free vegetables, and moderate amounts of high-fiber whole grains on plates. doing.
But even if you follow the letter on the core nutritional pillars of the ketogenic diet, you run the risk of missing important nutrients, Dr. Cheskin said.
“There is always a concern that you will not be able to get all the micronutrients and essential minerals such as calcium. Some studies show bone demineralization if you are on a ketogenic diet for a long time. Therefore, there are drawbacks. “Dr. Cheskin said.
It’s also not the diet he proposes as a lifelong lifestyle, he adds. “”It’s not a really natural diet, it depends a lot on how you do it. “
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