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Colds and other viruses surge in Arlington as COVID-19 cases remain low

Colds and other viruses surge in Arlington as COVID-19 cases remain low


For Dr. Andrew Wu, summer usually means more children with sunburn, insect bites, poison ivy, stomach viruses, and dehydration. These all have to do with being outside.

However, this summer, a pediatrician at the Virginia Hospital Center said he and his colleagues were seeing an uncharacteristic number of respiratory viral illnesses unrelated to COVID-19. Specifically, the doctor cold, Croup And RS virus, Or RSV, he said.

The trend is play Elsewhere, especially in the South and Southwest, the Washington Post recently reported as the number of cases of COVID-19 declined. In Arlington, where nearly 61% of adults are fully vaccinated, the 7-day average of net coronavirus cases is zero. Virginia Department of Health..

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention earlier this month Issue advisory Although it warns clinicians and caregivers and encourages a broader examination of RSV that causes cold-like symptoms. May lead to Bronchitis and pneumonia in children under 1 year of age.

Wu said these illnesses usually peak in the fall and winter when children go in and return to school. However, from last year to this spring, many pediatricians rarely saw cases of influenza, RSV, or colds. The surge this summer is likely to be a side effect of a pandemic, but families shouldn’t worry, he says. If the children are vaccinated against a more serious and potentially deadly bacterial or viral illness.

“There was nothing typical of the trend over the past year and a half, but the respiratory virus season seems to have come out of hibernation about six months later,” he said. “The current out-of-season increase appears to be due to two main factors: many non-virus-infected children have emerged from quarantine and rejoined the wider world in nursery schools and kindergartens. And the general relaxation of social restrictions by public health authorities. “

So what should parents do to protect their children?

Parents themselves, Wu, sympathize with parents who are worried about sending their children back to preschool or nursery, and find out that their children can develop some respiratory illness in the first few months. Said that.

However, he advised his parents to send their children to day care and kindergarten anyway. It’s not just because of the benefits of accelerating development, promoting socialization, and improving emotional skills.

“I tend to think of childcare referrals as much as I tackle food allergies. That is, early introduction is better than late introduction, but it’s never too early,” he said. “No one wants a child to get sick, but these illnesses tend to be minor and provide an opportunity for the child’s immune system to fight the infection as designed.”

Expanding the analogy, Wu said parents would spend more time voluntarily withholding potentially allergic foods from their young children, Peanuts etc., Children are more likely to develop allergies to that particular food.

“If there is not enough opportunity to fight the infection, the child’s immune system can become dysregulated and can respond by developing moderate to severe allergies or autoimmune conditions,” he said. Said.

Jessica Baxter, a spokeswoman for the Arlington County Public Health Service, said she was “not surprised” to see the increase in colds, and the mask came off, increasing the spread of bacteria at rallies and travel.

She also confirmed that children and adults were up-to-date with the recommended vaccines and advised them to take other basic precautions.

“It is recommended that Arlington residents develop healthy habits to prevent the spread of all illnesses, such as washing their hands frequently, keeping away from others when ill, and covering coughing and sneezing. I will, “she said.





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