Austin region vaccinated only 4,000 COVID from herd immunity
You can enter with just 4,000 more residents in Travis County July 4th holiday weekend Austin Public Health said Friday that coronavirus vaccination to reach minimal herd immunity is an important step in blocking further mutations in COVID-19.
Dr. Desmer Walks, Austin-Travis County Health Authority, said it would cost 70% to 90% of Travis County residents over the age of 12. Inoculate at least one coronavirus vaccine to reach herd immunity — A threshold at which the disease is difficult to spread because so many people in one community are immune.
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However, reaching the threshold of herd immunity, which the population has long waited to achieve, then becomes more problematic. A new variant of the coronavirus known as the delta variant, Entered the United States. Health leaders across the country are urging communities to be vaccinated to reduce the chances of developing variants that may be more contagious and deadly versions of the disease.
Delta, one of several variants of COVID-19, is more contagious and can infect some fully vaccinated people. However, a fully vaccinated person may not experience the symptoms of a serious illness or death from a mutant like an unvaccinated person.
Delta variant:Health leaders in the Austin area urge residents to be vaccinated in new strains
Austin Public Health Director Adrian Stalup said on Friday that current vaccines are still more than 90% effective in maintaining personal safety.
“It’s important to remember that the pandemic isn’t over, even when it’s approaching 70% of the initial dose,” Walks said in a statement on Friday. “COVID, especially the new delta variant, poses a serious threat to the health of unvaccinated or partially vaccinated communities.”
Austin Public Health said, “If less than 50% of vaccinated residents in the Austin-Travis County community have been vaccinated at least once, APH and Travis County will continue to focus on outreach. Use vaccination strategies to close inequality and further protect our community. “
Spencer Woody, a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Texas COVID-19 Modeling Consortium, found data dating back to the early days of the March 2020 pandemic that more economically disadvantaged areas are most affected by the disease.
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“We see this gap fairly consistently,” Spencer said. “And if anything, the gap only increased over time. The most vulnerable zip code is about six weeks late for vaccination, which is what we are seeing now.”
According to the interactive dashboard, East Austin zip codes such as 78702, Southeast Austin 78742 and 78744, east of downtown, are one of the countries with the highest number of coronavirus-related deaths in the city. The eastern and southeastern neighborhoods of Interstate 35 show a similar pattern.
Maureen Johnson Leon, a data equity specialist at the COVID-19 Modeling Consortium, said this delay correlates with social vulnerabilities (economic status, race, ethnicity, language barriers, transportation, accessibility). I did.
Walk continued to emphasize all of the same habits that health professionals have sought for months.
“We all need to encourage family, friends and colleagues to be vaccinated to prevent a surge in COVID-19 cases,” she continued. “People who are not or partially vaccinated should continue to follow 3 W. Wear masks, wash hands and monitor distance.”
In Travis County, 760,862 people over the age of 12 have been vaccinated at least once.According to state health data.. County and Austin Public Health have begun to move from mass immunization clinics to community-based pop-up sites for grocery stores, churches, neighborhood centers, and housing complexes.
“We must continue,” Travis County Judge Andy Brown said in a statement. “As new variants emerge and people continue to test positive for COVID-19, we need to continue vaccination as many people as possible to ensure widespread protection in the community.”
As of Friday, 69.62% of Travis County residents over the age of 12 were first vaccinated, according to the Texas Department of Health. Of them, 60.37% are fully vaccinated.
Those who want to get a coronavirus vaccination this weekend can visit To find a provider. COVID-19 vaccination is free and does not require insurance or ID.
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