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Delta variants are dangerous and continue to evolve and change: WHO Chief

Delta variants are dangerous and continue to evolve and change: WHO Chief


The world is in a very “dangerous time” COVID-19 (New Coronavirus Infection) Pandemic World Health Organization President Tedros Adhanom Gebreyes warns of the addition of more contagious variants such as the ever-evolving and mutating Delta.

In countries where vaccination coverage is narrow, the terrible sight of hospital flooding is once again commonplace, he said.

“We are in a very dangerous time of this pandemic, exacerbated by more contagious variants, such as Delta, which is rapidly becoming the dominant strain in many countries,” Gebreez said on Friday. I mentioned at a press conference.

“But no country is outside the forest yet. The Delta variant It’s dangerous and continues to evolve and mutate, so we need constant assessment to carefully coordinate our public health response, “he said.

Delta mutants have been detected in at least 98 countries, pointing out that they are spreading rapidly in low and high vaccination countries, and there are basically two ways countries can oppose the new surge. Said.

“Public health and social measures such as strong surveillance, strategic testing, early case detection, quarantine, and clinical care are still important,” he said, masking, physical distance, avoiding crowded areas, indoor areas. He added that maintaining ventilation is the basis of the response. ..

Ghebreyesus emphasizes that the world must share protective equipment, oxygen, tests, treatments and vaccines fairly, and by this time next year 70% of all people in all countries will be vaccinated.

“This is the best way to delay a pandemic, save lives, drive a truly global economic recovery, and prevent more dangerous variants from becoming dominant in the process. By the end of September this year. , We call on our leaders to vaccinate at least 10 percent of people in all countries, “he said.

As new manufacturing hubs “including mRNA vaccines” are being developed, the WHO chief said this could be accelerated by companies that openly share technology and know-how.

“In particular, we encourage these companies, BioNTech, Pfizer and Moderna, to share their know-how so that they can speed up the development of new products. The sooner we build more vaccine hubs and start increasing global vaccine capacity, the less fatal spikes we can reduce, “he said.

The first Delta variant detected in India is currently reported in nearly 100 countries and “may be underestimated.” Highly contagious strains are expected to rapidly outperform other variants and become globally dominant in the coming months. weekly.

The COVID-19 Weekly Epidemiological Update, published by WHO, states that as of June 29, 2021, “96 countries have reported cases of delta mutations, but the sequencing capabilities required to identify the mutations are limited. This may be underestimated because it has been. Many of these countries are due to the proliferation of infections and hospitalizations from this variant. “

Given the increased transmission rate, the delta variant “is expected to rapidly outperform other variants and become the predominant variant in the coming months.”

WHO Coronavirus “Including individual and community-level public health and social measures, infection prevention and control measures that have been used since the inception of the pandemic” remains valid for mutants of current concern, including delta mutants.





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