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U.S. Coronavirus: The spread of delta mutants can make it even more difficult to reach herd immunity, experts say.

U.S. Coronavirus: The spread of delta mutants can make it even more difficult to reach herd immunity, experts say.


Dr. Rachel Levine told CNN’s Ana Cabrera on Friday.

“But we know that vaccinated people are protected from this Delta variant, and they are very unlikely to get sick and require hospitalization in effect. It’s impossible, “said Levine, Assistant Secretary of the United States. Ministry of Health and Social Welfare.

Estimates depend on how much of the population needs to be immune to achieve that goal. Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, states that 70-85% of people who have immunity can reach herd immunity.

Variants with a high percentage of cases in some states

The first Delta variant found in India is susceptible to infecting people and can cause even more serious illness.

In California, about half of the state’s 40 million population is vaccinated, with an increasing number of Covid-19 cases, and officials say the Delta variant accounts for 36% of all new cases. I will.

“The most important thing we can do to stop the spread of COVID-19 and its variants is to vaccinate all qualified people,” said Thomas, California Public Health Officer.・ Dr. Aragon said.

The world is working on delta variants

On Monday, Los Angeles County recommended wearing masks in indoor public spaces, even if vaccinated, and on Friday, the city and county of St. Louis, Missouri did the same. As the variant became widespread, both jurisdictions made recommendations.

Dr. Fredrick Ecoles, Deputy Director of the City of St. Louis, said: Health, in news releases.

CNN analyst Dr. Leana Wen The states with the lowest immunization rates have even higher rates of delta mutations in new cases, he told CNN on Friday.

“In the five states with the highest Covid-19 prevalence, there are more than 50% of Delta variants. Arkansas is 50%, Utah is 60%, and Missouri is 70%,” Wen said. “I think we also need to remember the statistics of who is sick. In general, it’s unvaccinated people.”

People will cross Las Vegas Boulevard on July 2, 2021. Tourists re-entered the city and gambling revenues reached record highs. However, its progress is threatened. Nevada saw the highest proportion of new Covid-19 cases in the country this week.

Where the U.S. state stands for vaccination

As of Friday, 47.1% of the total US population had been fully vaccinated and 54.7% had been vaccinated once. Federal data.. Over the past week, an average of 662,906 people have been fully vaccinated daily.

According to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, there are 18 states that have completely vaccinated more than half of their population. They are California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Hawaii, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Minnesota, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Oregon, Road Island, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, and Washington DC.

Experts agree that vaccination is the best protection against delta variants.

Two weeks after the second dose, the Pfizer / BioNTech vaccine is 88% effective against symptomatic infections caused by the delta mutant Fauci. Said.. People who take it only once have less protection.

The company said this week that Moderna’s vaccine was found in the laboratory to act on new mutants, including the Delta strain. Serum samples from people who received two shots of the Modana vaccine showed neutralizing activity against the mutant, Modana said in a preprint study that has not yet been peer-reviewed.

Johnson & Johnson said the one-shot coronavirus vaccine appears to provide immunity that lasts at least eight months and provides protection against delta mutants.

Travel information from WHO

Fauci provided good news flickering before the July 4th holiday: Americans can celebrate with proper precautions, he said.

“That is, if you get vaccinated, you have a high degree of protection. If you don’t, you need to wear a mask and think seriously about getting vaccinated,” he said.

But US surgeon president Dr. Vivek Murthy said he was most worried about unvaccinated people heading for the holiday weekend.

“If you are not vaccinated, if you are vaccinated travel If you meet people from different households, gather indoors, and are unmasked, there is a significant risk that the virus will continue to spread, “he told CNN on Friday.
The July 4th trip takes revenge for Americans to

Meanwhile, the World Health Organization’s new interim international travel guidance, released Friday, takes into account the status of vaccinations and the types of concerns and concerns.

Organizations recommend following a “risk-based approach” when implementing Covid-19 measures.

“This approach considers the risks posed by travel for the import and export of cases in the context of evolving epidemiology, including the emergence and distribution of viral variants of concern, the expansion of COVID-19 vaccine deployment, and lessons learned. We need to learn about the early detection and management of cases, the application of public health and social measures, etc., while responding to epidemiology. ”

WHO should also not require proof of vaccination as a condition of entry or departure, and if there is immunity to vaccination or a previously confirmed infection, national authorities will carry out individual tests or quarantine. He pointed out that the approach can be regarded as a condition of entry.

CNN’s Cheri Mossburg, Carma Hassan, Deidre McPhillips, Maggie Fox and Naomi Thomas contributed to this report.





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