“Change” starts at 50 and gains weight
It’s been a mystery for a long time, but it’s changing as celebrities like Davina McCall become more open about their experience of menopause.
Here, Dr. Louise Newson corrects some common myths.
Traditionally considered to be quiet, many of the 13 million people menopause In the UK, we have endured symptoms without help or assistance.
But more women Spice Girls Emma BuntonThe situation is changing as film critic Kate Muir and female health expert Mage Hill dubbed “Menopause Power” to open up their experiences.
“Women and medical professionals have been given false information about menopause and safety, Benefits of HRT (Hormone replacement therapy), “says Dr. Louise Newson, a leader in menopause.
“This means that women’s health has been suffering for decades.
“Many people give up their jobs because of their symptoms, and some even lose their partners or think about suicide.
“This needs to change. It is imperative that women be informed so that they can make individual decisions about future treatments.”
From initial symptoms to postmenopausal sex, Dr. Newson helps resolve the biggest misconceptions surrounding the word “M.”
1. Menopause starts at 50
“In the UK, the average age at which menopause begins is 51 years.
“But many women begin to experience perimenopausal symptoms in their 40s when menstruation begins to change.
“1 in 100 women under the age of 40 and 1 in 1,000 women under the age of 30 experience premature menopause.
“Hormones can change at any age, so it is imperative that all women be aware of potential symptoms and receive early help and treatment.”
2. Hote is the first sign
“Hot and night sweats are very common, but they do not occur in all women.
“Other symptoms such as memory loss, brain fog, decreased motivation, low energy, lack of sleep, headache, muscle and joint pain, decreased libido, urinary tract symptoms are other common peri-menopausal and menopausal symptoms. is.”
3. Easy to find at the start
“Many women are unaware that their feelings are associated with low hormone levels.
“Symptoms often appear very slowly, so it is very common for women to attribute their symptoms to other causes, such as life and work stress.
“Get my Balance app, get free menopause advice, and start monitoring your symptoms.
“You can then download the health report and give it to your doctor or medical professional to start a conversation about getting treatment (“ “
4. HRT is bad for your health
“For the vast majority of women, taking HRT has more benefits than risks, it improves symptoms and reduces the risk of heart disease, diabetes, dementia, and osteoporosis.
“Some older types of HRT have a higher risk of breast cancer, but this is very small and most types have no associated risk.
“To explain the situation, women who are overweight or who drink moderate amounts of alcohol have a higher risk of breast cancer than any type of HRT.
“Taking HRT in the form of tablets may slightly increase the risk of stroke and blood clots, but the risk is very low and it is actually avoided by taking it in the form of patches, gels or sprays that adhere to the skin. I can do it.
“There is no risk of blood clots or stroke because it does not then need to enter the bloodstream directly and be metabolized by the liver, which produces clotting factors.”
5. It’s the end of your sex life
“Absolutely not. For some women, sex is often painful or uncomfortable, and libido is reduced, but there are many treatments that can improve these symptoms.
“Taking HRT, which contains estrogen and testosterone, can increase libido.
“There are also a variety of vaginal hormone preparations that can be used with or without HRT, which can improve vaginal dryness.
“Many women find that treatment makes them feel better, improves their self-confidence and self-esteem, and has a positive impact on their sexual life.”
6. Wait until the symptoms become intolerable before taking HRT
“Even if you still have your period, you can start HRT as soon as you start to have symptoms, so you can’t tolerate them for a long time and your risk of heart disease or osteoporosis is reduced.
7. My period was young, so I will reach the menopause early.
“It is very difficult to predict the age of women who are menopausal.
“In some cases, if a woman has a family with premature menopause, she is more likely to be young when she experiences it herself.”
8. Gain weight
“Lower estrogen levels that occur during and after menopause can often lead to weight gain.
“Fat cells contain a weak type of hormone, so when the body tries to recover levels, women notice that they are gaining weight.
“Women taking HRT with better types of estrogen often lose weight because this is not a very effective way to produce estrogen.
“In addition, women undergoing menopause are less likely to exercise because they are less motivated and have less muscle and joint pain.
“Eating a healthy diet is just as important as reducing sugar and processed foods. It is also beneficial to exercise regularly and reduce alcohol intake.
“Many women find that they lose weight when they start taking the right dose and type of HRT.”
9. Naturopathic remedies are safer than taking HRT
“Just because the treatment is natural does not mean that it is safe.
“Unlike HRT, most natural remedies have not been thoroughly studied or tested.
“Some women find products such as sage, red clover, and evening primrose oil to help with their symptoms, but there is no high-quality evidence that these products work, and they can improve future health like taking HRT. It doesn’t help. “
10. HRT can only be taken for 5 years
“This idea is based on outdated research, but some doctors still mistakenly think it is true.
“In fact, HRT can be taken as long as the benefits outweigh the risks. For most women, this usually means the rest of their lives.”
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