Can the Covid-19 vaccine be exchanged between the first and second jabs?
Over 45 million of the first Covid-19 vaccines have been vaccinated in the country, of which 34 million have also been vaccinated a second time.
After the number of cases began to increase again at the end of May, the country was in the fight against vaccination time and experts began to warn us that we are now. With the grip of the third wave of the pandemic.
And with Drop-in vaccination clinic Many people ask if they want to protect against the virus if they give one type of jab once and another type of jab twice because they pop up regularly and offer only one type of vaccine. I will.
LeicestershireLive has submitted this question and several other questions regarding the Covid-19 vaccine to the Leicester, Leicestershire, and Rutland Clinical Commissioning Group (LLR CCG). Here’s what they told us:
Can I exchange vaccines between the first jab and the second jab?
The simple answer to whether the vaccine can be exchanged between the first and second doses is no.
According to a CCG spokesman, everyone needs to get the same vaccine on the first and second doses.
It is based on official guidance outlined by the Joint Committee on Immunization and Immunization (JCVI).
However, ongoing trials by the Oxford Vaccine Group are studying the use of different combinations of approved Covid-19 vaccines with the idea of ​​making vaccination deployment more flexible.
Data from the study suggest that a mixed dose schedule may be effective, but the latest JCVI guidance remains the same today.
The national booking system is specially designed to ensure that you receive a second jab of the same vaccine that everyone had first-hence who goes through the regular channels for the vaccine. But I can’t give you a replacement option.
But what about pop-up clinics?
Each drop-in clinic, which does not require a reservation, offers only one vaccine.
And it should still be impossible for someone who has had a single AstraZeneca vaccine to come to the Pfizer Clinic and give them a second jab.
This reconfirms which vaccine the staff received on the first dose when coming to the pop-up clinic and sees if the first jab is a different brand than the one offered at that clinic. Because.
The NHS will also take steps to ensure that the type of vaccine you are given is suitable for you.
Which vaccine is right for me?
Despite the fear that the AstraZeneca vaccine might have caused a deadly blood clot, as in the tragic case. Lester’s mom Lucy Taberer, The Ministry of Health said such cases are extremely rare.
DoH said Leicestershire Live By June 9, 200,000 responses to AstraZeneca vaccination had been recorded, but only 390 were associated with the development of blood clots, of which only 71 died.
According to the CCG, people under the age of 40 or pregnant are “usually only offered reservations for the Pfizer or Moderna vaccine.”
This is because a joint committee on vaccination and immunization (despite the overall low risk) reported this year 5 after rare cases of blood clots were reported in some people after the first dose of AstraZeneca vaccine. He advised that we should provide under 40 years of age a month. Alternative vaccine.
However, even if you have already received the first dose of AstraZeneca Covid-19 vaccine and have no serious side effects, you should still give the same second dose.
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JCVI also advised pregnant women in the United Kingdom to provide Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna vaccines when available.
Side effects have also been reported by people who had Pfizer Modern jab..
If you respond badly to the vaccine, you will be referred to the Leicester NHS Trust University Hospital, which provides allergy services. Depending on the results of various tests, your doctor can recommend you to get an alternative vaccine.
If you have a severe response to the AstraZeneca vaccine and are offered a second vaccination alternative, you will only receive one alternative vaccination and you will not need to resume your two vaccination schedules.
A spokeswoman for LLR CCG said: “If the first dose has serious side effects, such as a severe allergic reaction, or if the first vaccine becomes unavailable, an alternative vaccine will be provided.
“For example, if a person is vaccinated abroad for the first vaccination and the given vaccine is not available in the UK.”
Where can I get the Covid-19 vaccine?
Most people receive invitations from the National Booking Service for their jabs, but other options are available.
As the end of the blockage restrictions approaches, local health bosses increase vaccination opportunities and encourage people to be jabbed.
Here are some The latest confirmed drop clinic. More will be announced in the coming weeks.
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