Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccine Description: Where, When, How Available, Safe, And Everything You Need To Know
The Morrison government is campaigning for Australians to get them COVID-19 vaccine as soon as possible.
A “Awesome” adsShows a young woman who is out of breath while lying in a hospital bed, but is the latest weapon in the government arsenal as part of promoting broader vaccination.
Scroll down to see the answers to your Pfizer vaccine questions
The head of the Australian Vaccine Task Force wanted young Australians to be vaccinated as soon as possible, and the ads were designed to face each other.
As Australians urge to get a COVID jab, we’ve compiled answers to some of the biggest questions about Pfizer vaccines.
How does the Pfizer / BioNTech vaccine work?
Pfizer and its German-based partner BioNTech are using a new approach to producing vaccines that use messenger RNA or mRNA.
This design was selected as a pandemic vaccine a few years ago because it helps with rapid turnarounds. All you need is the sequence of the virus that causes the pandemic. Vaccine makers do not need the virus itself, only the sequence.
In this case, BioNTech researchers used a small genetic material that encodes part of the spike protein. This is a structure that decorates the surface of the new coronavirus and gives it a studded appearance.
Messenger RNA is a single strand of the genetic code that cells can “read” and use to make proteins. For this vaccine, the mRNA directs the muscle cells of the arm to make specific parts of the viral peer-plomer. The immune system then recognizes it, recognizes it as a foreign body, and prepares to attack when the actual infection occurs.
Clinical trials have shown that Pfizer’s vaccine is 95% effective in preventing symptomatic infections. Pfizer is working to show that vaccines can prevent all infections, including those that do not cause symptoms.
MRNA is so fragile that it is wrapped in lipid nanoparticles. This is a coating of butter material that melts at room temperature. Therefore, Pfizer vaccines should be kept at an extremely low temperature of about minus 75 ° C. This means that special equipment is required to transport and store this vaccine.
Where can I get the Pfizer vaccine?
All Australians will be provided with the COVID-19 vaccine.
If you are eligible to be vaccinated according to your national vaccination schedule Eligibility checker tool.
This list of clinics continues to be updated as more clinics are introduced and more vaccines are available in Australia.
How to get a Pfizer vaccine in Australia
Australians can use the Eligibility Checker to find out when they can receive the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine.
Qualified people can find out where to get the vaccine and make a reservation.
If you are not yet qualified, you can register your interests and be notified when you can book.
Is Pfizer Vaccine Effective Against Delta Variants and New Variants?
Pfizer warns that the immunity of the COVID vaccine will begin to weaken as more variants emerge.
Ongoing studies have shown that the Pfizer / BioNTech vaccine induces antibodies that can respond to various mutations in the virus that causes COVID-19. TGA will continue to closely monitor development and carry out its own genetic testing of local cases.
Pfizer and its partner BioNTech said there is building evidence that people’s immunity begins to weaken after vaccination.
The Pfizer vaccine requires two doses to provide complete immunity.
“As seen in real-world data released by the Israeli Ministry of Health, the effectiveness of vaccines to prevent both infections and symptomatic illnesses declined six months after vaccination, but serious illnesses. The effectiveness of prevention remains high, “Pfizer said in a statement emailed to CNN. ..
“Furthermore, during this period, the delta variant is becoming the predominant variant in Israel and many other countries. These findings are consistent with ongoing analysis from the company’s Phase 3 trials.
“While the defense against serious illness remained high for 6 months, its effectiveness against symptomatic illness declines over time, and the continued appearance of mutants is expected.
“Based on the overall data to date, Pfizer and BioNTech may benefit from a third dose within 6-12 months of the second dose to maintain the highest levels of protection. I think there is. “
No further details were given.
Australian Ministry of Health TGA said it is paying attention to development.
“Ongoing research shows that the Pfizer / BioNTech vaccine induces antibodies that can respond to various mutations in the virus that causes COVID-19,” reads the Ministry of Health website.
“TGA will continue to closely monitor development and carry out its own genetic testing of local cases.”
Is Pfizer Vaccine Safe?
Reported side effects are rare and usually mild.
Very few people have experienced an allergic reaction to the vaccine, but it includes fever and headaches.
In July, European drug regulators said they found a possible link between very rare heart inflammation and the Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna COVID-19 vaccines.
Shortly after the findings were announced, a World Health Organization advisory board believed that the benefits of the mRNA COVID-19 vaccine outweigh the very small risks that could cause heart inflammation, as jabs reduce hospitalization and mortality. I said there is.
Reports of two rare conditions in the inner layer, called myocarditis, heart inflammation, and pericarditis, usually occurred within a few days after vaccination, mainly among young men after the second dose. It states.
“Follow-up is underway to determine long-term results,” WHO said.
Who can get the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine?
“Before vaccination, you should always discuss your existing medical condition with your doctor or pharmacist,” said the Department of Health.
The· Australian Technical Advisory Group on Immunity (ATAGI) provides clinical guidance and advice for the Australian-approved COVID-19 vaccine. The following information is based on ATAGI guidance.
The COVID-19 vaccine is provided to everyone in Australia, but there are some groups that need to be careful and receive professional medical advice before vaccination. They include:
- People with weakened immunity or allergies
- Women who are pregnant, breastfeeding, or planning to become pregnant
- Frail and elderly
- handicapped
- People who have recently been vaccinated
- People who have recovered from COVID-19 infection
Each COVID-19 vaccine may be slightly different. It is important to talk to your doctor or pharmacist about your existing medical condition to see if vaccination is right for you.
How often are Pfizer vaccinations?
During April Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla admitted that people “likely” need a booster dose of the COVID-19 vaccine. Within 12 months of being completely vaccinated.
In July, as mentioned above, pharmaceutical companies have begun efforts to develop booster doses that protect people from mutations.
Professor Mary-Louise McCrows told Sevens up to date It Australians may need a third vaccination earlier than 12 months..
Watch an interview with Professor McLaws’ Michael Usher on the video player below.
“It seems like we need a third shot as more research is done and we’re learning more about COVID-19, preferably about eight months,” she said.
“But that (time) will depend on what the effectiveness of your vaccine was.”
She added priority, but was to take the first and second doses of Australian weapons before worrying about one-third.
Where are the Pfizer vaccines made?
Vaccine doses purchased by the Australian Government are manufactured in the United States, Belgium and Germany.
When will Australia receive more Pfizer vaccines?
Prime Minister Scott Morrison We have confirmed that the federal government has accelerated the supply of Pfizer COVID vaccine.
Pfizer plans to administer 1 million doses weekly from mid-July and promises to deliver higher doses to Australia sooner than expected.
This is compared to the current average of about 300,000 doses per week.
Watch the Prime Minister’s announcement in the video player below
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