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GP calls for “evil” anti-vaxx ambush

GP calls for “evil” anti-vaxx ambush



Vaccination organizers are asking supporters to attend a general practitioner’s visit and “educate” doctors about informed consent.

Vaccination protesters.

Victorian general practice has been warned to be the target of anti-vaccination activists. (Image: AAP)

so July 9 video To be a member of an extreme vaccination group Rekindle Australia’s democracyMonica Smit, an organization spokesman, outlined the latest “campaign” for general practice in the Victorian dynasty.

This includes the possible risks of the Pfizer and AstraZeneca COVID vaccines, Ivermectin-based treatment..

‘We are going to record [the GPs’] The name and where they work … the point of this is [vaccine] Experiments are not safe and people should have informed consent, “Smit said.

“Whether we believe COVID is dangerous or not, we will raise a lot of awareness about early treatment. [sic] … If we can get rid of people’s fears by telling them that there are early treatment options… it could be a really great way to open people’s hearts.

After noticing the video in response to a media inquiry from News Corporation, RACGP President Karen Price accused the plan of being “totally unacceptable.”

“General practitioners are very enthusiastic about difficult situations, such as managing frustrated and abusive patients, immunizing as many people as possible as soon as possible and managing their regular schedules. The last thing they need is anti-vaxxers who harass and degrade them in their workplace, “she said. newsGP..

“It’s very unethical when these anti-bakers consult with essentially fake questionnaires to collect information about the GP, such as name and place of work. It’s also what we do. It’s a precious waste of GP time when there are a lot on our dishes.

In addition, any rude or uncontrollable behavior, such as taking a picture of a general practitioner, destroying a COVID-19 information poster, or aggressively threatening a receptionist, is not a protest but a harassment of the healthcare professional. There is no place for that. “

Dr. Priya Alexander of the Melbourne GP Longtime supporter Especially to combat false health information about vaccination.she said newsGP This type of activity is “extremely harmful” to general practice.

“It should be remembered that the Australian GP is at the forefront of the deployment of vaccines with multiple serious problems. They counsel patients, deal with vaccine hesitation and give Australians. I’m really working hard to get the vaccine, “she said.

“I’m exhausted-and I know I’m not the only GP colleague.

“We are dealing with constantly changing recommendations without warnings or documentation to give a brief overview of the recommendations changes in the rollout. In addition, dealing with such things is literally It’s terrible for those who are wasting their precious GP time.

Dr. Alexander regularly receives “harassment emails” and receives Continuous efforts It is necessary to raise awareness of medical false alarms. She believes that in order to combat vaccination hesitation and anti-vaccination movements, we need to continue discussing the benefits of vaccination “in a way that is easily understood by the local people.”

“We need a more qualified professional who speaks very easily and repeats the message about risks / benefits,” she said.

“When it comes to vaccine hesitation, there’s a real fight here. We can do better [and] We need to do better about getting people on board, educating them, and getting excited about vaccination as a way out of this pandemic.

Despite the pandemic public health roadmap and the role of general practice at the forefront of vaccine deployment, Dr. Alexander says GP support is still behind.

“We can all do it little by little in the doctor’s office as a GP, but after all, the public needs to board here,” she said.

“We haven’t received any support in that regard and are now feeling the impact.”

If GPs and practice staff are eligible for the Reignite Democracy Australia campaign, Dr. Price will provide clear advice.

“If this ridiculous plan comes true, I recommend that all GPs, nurses, receptionists, and management staff respond firmly, but as calmly as possible, and demand that they leave the facility immediately. “She said.

“If they do not comply, call the police immediately. If you are featured in a video or have your details published online, please also notify the police.

Dr. Alexander also advised on finding the GP in this situation.

“Some of us may end talks soon if we are suspected of being targeted,” she said. “If you feel that your safety is being threatened in any way, [you should] Ask for emergency assistance.

‘[Potentially] Once filmed, it becomes even more complicated here and is a major invasion of privacy. Since these videos are shared online, it is important for the GP to be as calm as possible and seek help as needed. ”

among Challenge Dr. Price’s message remains unchanged during the GP working on vaccine hesitation and vaccination.

“The deployment of the COVID vaccine is a lifelong public health challenge, and general practice is the backbone,” she said.

“Anti-Baxers have nothing positive to offer to the community. Let them not distract or discourage us.”

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