The contribution of neural NCDs to the disease burden in India more than doubled between 1990 and 2009.
The first comprehensive estimates of neurological disease burden and trends in all Indian states since 1990 are on Wednesday. Lancet Global Health According to India’s state-level disease burden initiative.
According to the survey results Non-communicable neuropathy In India, it is increasing mainly due to the aging of the population. Infectious diseases accounted for the majority of the total burden of neuropathy in children under the age of 5, but non-communicable neuropathy was the leading cause of all other age groups. Indian Medical Research Council (ICMR) said in the release.
Stroke, headache disorders and epilepsy are the main causes of the burden of neuropathy in India, he said.
In 2019, a stroke killed 6,99,000 people. This represents 7.4% of the total number of deaths in the country. He said the burden of many neuropathy varies considerably from state to state and has a significant impact on policies and programs to mitigate this burden.
Among the known risk factors for neuropathy burden are high blood pressure, air pollution, dietary risk, high fasting blood glucose levels, and high obesity index.
This study is a collaborative effort between ICMR, the Indian Public Health Foundation, the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation, and many other major stakeholders in India, including academic experts and institutions. Made by the initiative. Government agencies and other organizations with the support of the Ministry of Health.
The state-specific findings in this scientific paper are intended to reduce the burden of neuropathy through awareness raising, early detection, cost-effective treatment, and response to state-specific health systems for rehabilitation. Emphasizes the degree of effort required in each state.
The approximately 30-year trend reported in this study utilizes all data sources available from India and more reliably estimates the burden of neuropathy throughout India than previously available. I was able to do.
Member (Health) Dr. Vinod Paul of NITI Aayog said the treatise provides a comprehensive view of the burden of neuropathy over the last three decades and systematically emphasizes differences between states.
Although several government policies and initiatives have been implemented to address the burden of neuropathy throughout India, planning specific neuroservices in each state requires more focused efforts, he said. Told.
“Early detection and cost-effective management of neuropathy in the country needs to be strengthened to address the shortage of trained neurological workforce and the increasing burden,” he said.
Dr. Balram Bhargava, Secretary and Director of Health Research at the Ministry of Health of the ICMR, said the study paper provided the first integrated estimates of the burden of most neuropathy in all Indian states from 1990 to 2019. Said to provide.
“Neuropathy accounts for 10 percent of India’s total disease burden. The burden of non-transmissive neuropathy in the country is increasing, mainly due to the aging of the population,” he said.
Professor Gagandeep Singh of Dayanand Medical College and the first author of this treatise said that the analysis of this treatise highlights important issues related to the tendency of neuropathy in the Indian state.
Epilepsy is a common neuropathy in India. The prevalence of epilepsy has increased over the last three decades, but we are pleased that India’s reduction in treatment gaps has provided some benefit in reducing premature mortality and morbidity in epilepsy patients during this period. That is. However, government plans such as Rashtriya Bal Swasthya Karyakram and Ayushman Bharat need to expand the scope of treatment for epilepsy, he said.
He added that policies and practices that focus on safe childbirth and prevent head injuries and strokes will help avoid a significant proportion of epilepsy.
Professor K Srinath Reddy, chairman of the Indian Public Health Foundation, said an increase in risk factors associated with non-communicable diseases (NCDs) is a major cause of neurological and consequent disorders in India.
This reflects the demographic, socio-economic, and nutritional changes that have led to changes in epidemiological profiles over the last three decades. It is useful to recognize that much of the burden of this disease and disability is associated with correctable risk factors that can be reduced at the population level and corrected at the individual level.
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