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How to build a brain by walking

How to build a brain by walking


These past studies of brain plasticity have generally focused on gray matter. Gray matter contains the famous small gray matter or neurons that enable and create thoughts and memories. Little research has been done on white matter, the wiring of the brain. The white matter is composed primarily of fat-enclosed nerve fibers known as axons, which connect neurons and are essential for brain health. However, it is aging that becomes fragile, thin, and can develop small lesions as we grow older, which can signal cognitive decline. Worry, it has been thought to be relatively static, with little plasticity, or the ability to adapt significantly to changes in our lives.

However, Agnieszka Burzynska, a professor of neuroscience and human development at Colorado State University in Fort Collins, suspected that science might underestimate white matter. “It was like a gray matter ugly, neglected sister-in-law,” she said, ignored and misunderstood. She thought that white matter was as plastic as gray matter and could reshape itself, especially when people started to move.

So, for a new study published online on NeuroImage in June, she, her graduate student Andrea Mendez Colmenares, and other colleagues set out to recreate the white matter of people. They started by gathering about 250 older men and women who tend to sit but are otherwise healthy. In the lab, they tested the current aerobic fitness and cognitive skills of these volunteers and used sophisticated forms of MRI brain scans to measure white matter health and function.

We then divided the volunteers into groups, one of which started a supervised program of stretching and balance training three times a week to act as active controls. Another person actively started walking together for about 40 minutes three times a week. The last group then started dancing and met three times a week to learn and practice line dancing and group choreography. After 6 months of training, all groups returned to the lab and repeated the tests from the beginning of the study.

And for many, their bodies and brains have changed, scientists have discovered. As expected, the walkers and dancers were a good fit. More importantly, their white matter appeared to be new. The new scan showed nerve fibers in specific parts of the brain appearing larger and shrinking tissue lesions. These desirable changes were the most common among pedestrians. Pedestrians are now performing better on memory tests. In general, dancers didn’t.




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