Pure research points to IBD’s processed fatty foods
According to a large multinational PURE study, eating super-processed foods and fried foods was associated with an increased risk of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD).
More super-processed foods were associated with an increased risk of developing incident IBD (HR 1.82, 95% CI 1.22-2.72, 5 servings or more per day, HR 1.67, 95% CI 1.18-2.37, P= 0.006, 1-4 servings per day, less than 1 serving per day), reported by Neeraj Narula, MD, MPH, etc. of McMaster University in Ontario, Canada.
However, consumption of more than one meal of fried food per day was associated with the greatest risk of IBD (HR 3.02, 95% CI 1.51-6.03, P= 0.006), the author writes: BMJ..
The authors speculated that there may be a link between fried foods and IBD, as many fried foods such as chicken nuggets and french fries are also processed.
PURE research itself Controversial Among some experts, especially with salt Vegetable intake..
“Diet studies are notorious for being difficult to complete. The biggest drawbacks here are self-reporting of diet and IBD diagnosis, and many IBD patients diagnosed before the 35-year-old lower limit of this study. “Because of the patient’s age,” said C. Ehrlich, MD, MPH of Temple University in Adam Philadelphia. Today’s MedPage.
“Recently, DINE CD Learning super-processed foods and fried foods (basically the opposite of SCD) is a challenge, as studies have been published showing that simple carbohydrate diets (SCDs) and Mediterranean diets can help alleviate the symptoms of known Crohn’s disease patients. Not surprisingly, a Mediterranean diet) can play a role in the development of the disease, “added Erich, who was not involved in the study.
Narra said Today’s MedPage Apart from that, I was surprised that foods such as fruits, raw lean meats, white meats, vegetables, legumes, starches and dairy products are not related to IBD.
“This study may help provide insights into the potential causes of inflammatory bowel disease, but it is unclear if there are benefits to avoiding these foods after the patient has established the disease. This should lead to further research investigating the role of excluded diets, which does not include super-processed foods as a potential treatment strategy for IBD patients. “
The author states: Previous research We have found that refined sugars in the Western diet and low-fiber fats (n-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids) all act as risk factors for potential IBD stimulation.
another Research Although no association could be established between IBD and super-processed foods, only a small population (75 IBD participants) was investigated. Researchers also suggested that Western dietary additives and preservatives may support the risk of IBD. Ehrlich has been added.
Narula et al. Surveyed participants from 21 countries in diverse economic conditions in a prospective urban and rural epidemiology (PURE) study to assess the risk of inflammatory bowel disease from ingestion of hyperprocessed foods.
From January 2003 to December 2016, there were 116,087 adult participants aged 35 to 70 years. Follow-ups occur at least every three years, with a median follow-up of 9.7 years. A validated baseline food intake frequency questionnaire was given to participants to assess key outcomes of developing IBD, including ulcerative colitis or Crohn’s disease.
The analysis is tailored for covariates such as gender, education, alcohol, age, region, smoking history, energy, obesity index, waist-hip ratio, and urbanization.
The response was converted to USDA Serving size. Daily intake is calculated uniformly across the country. More than half of all multinational participants were women, and less than 25% of all participants are now smokers. A total of 467 participants developed irritable bowel disease, including 377 patients with ulcerative colitis and 90 patients with Crohn’s disease.
Not surprisingly, North America, South America, and Europe had the highest consumption of ultra-processed foods (daily intake and grams) compared to other parts of the world. This includes the consumption of soft drinks and processed meats.
South America ranked first in consumption of refined sweet foods, followed by the Middle East and Southeast Asia. China had the highest sodium intake.
Super-processed food subgroups such as salted snacks, soft drinks, processed meats, and refined sweet foods were also associated with an increased risk of IBD.
Among the refined sweet foods, the highest risk of IBD was intake of 100 grams or more per day (HR 2.58, 95% CI 1.44-4.62, P= 0.003). Salty foods and snacks had similar results.
The limitations of this study included the use of self-reported questionnaires in observation settings that statistically calculate IBD risk frequency. Reviewed validation of the diagnosis was performed on only 20% of the population. The authors acknowledge that the findings cannot be generalized to people under the age of 35. Changes in diet over time are also not taken into account in the analysis.
“In patients at high risk of developing IBD (ie, patients with multiple IBD families), a super-processed food-free diet may also play a role, but further research is needed,” Narra said. Today’s MedPage..
Funding was provided by the governments of Canada, Argentina, Bangladesh, Brazil, Chile, China, Colombia, India, Malaysia, Palestine, Philippines, Poland, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, the Netherlands, Sweden, Turkey and the United Arab Emirates. The authors reported various relationships with the following industries: Heart and Stroke Foundation, AstraZeneca, Marion W. Burke Chair for Cardiovascular Disease, Boehringer Ingelheim, Sanofi Aventis, GlaxoSmithKline, Service, Novartis, King Pharma.
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