LA County reports an increase in nursing home cases as the number of coronaviruses continues to grow – Daily News
Coronavirus cases in Los Angeles County continued to go wrong on Tuesday, July 20, and public health officials were skilled, partly because of “breakthrough” cases of people already vaccinated. We confirmed a slight increase in the number of nursing facilities.
The LA County Public Health Service reported that 25 skilled nursing homes tested positive for COVID-19 during the week ending July 11. This surge has attracted the attention of public health officials who have seen a stable period at such facilities as the virus circulated rapidly and tragically since the early devastation of the pandemic, killing many lives along the way. I did.
In the weeks leading up to the recent surge, skilled nursing hubs saw an average of about 16 new cases, officials said.
The surge in nursing homes has been reported by public health authorities at transit stations, restaurants, or stores, regardless of vaccination status.
Officials on Tuesday reported 1,821 new infections and five new deaths, with the virus claiming a total lifespan of 24,587. Overall, a total of 1,270,886 people have been identified as infected with the virus, but the number is believed to be much higher.
Within a city with an independent health department: Pasadena reported 14 new cases, adding to a total of 11,572 people, with zero deaths. The death toll remained at 341. Long Beach has reported a total of 949 deaths and 54,750 cases since the pandemic began.
Barbara Ferrer, Director of Public Health, LA County, not only mourned “everyone mourning the loss of a loved one,” but also signaled even more danger.
Authorities say the recent surge follows the pattern of past surges, with numbers increasing after vacations and a related mix of people.
LA County reported a positive rate of 4.8%. This is more than double what it was two weeks ago.
Breakthrough cases are still rare, but still expected, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. In most cases, hospitalizations and deaths occur among people who have never been vaccinated, according to officials. Of the five deaths reported on Tuesday, three were between the ages of 65 and 79, one was between the ages of 50 and 64, and one was between the ages of 30 and 49.
Authorities are paying particular attention to increased hospitalization with COVID-19, which is considered a powerful barometer of viral trajectories rather than positive rate numbers.
According to the state dashboard, hospitalizations in Los Angeles County have increased by 41 since Monday. The number of patients in the intensive care unit also increased by 13 every day.
“What we are seeing now is a rapid increase in COVID-19 community infections, resulting in an increase in sick, hospitalized and seriously ill people, depending on the unvaccinated people who are vaccinated. It is fully promoted, “said Dr. Roger Lewis, professor and chairman of the Department of Emergency Medicine at the Harbor UCLA Medical Center.
Some experts say that so many people are vaccinated and so many are innate immunized that a huge surge like the county experienced in January is likely. It states that it is not. However, as 4 million people in the county have not yet been vaccinated, authorities say the pandemic is currently obscuring the unvaccinated population in the region, yet with significant spikes and more disastrous consequences. It states that it may lead to.
The enhanced outbreak also jeopardizes a more complete economic recovery, officials said. A point suspended at Capitol Hill on Tuesday, Senator Mitch McConnell of R-Kentucky urged Americans to shoot.
“If anyone can listen, get the vaccine,” Republican McConnell said at a weekly press conference at the Houses of Parliament.
“These shots need to get into everyone’s arms as soon as possible, or we’ll be back in the autumn situation we experienced last year, which we didn’t want,” he said. “This is not complicated.”
McConnell’s anxiety came when the UCLA Center for Health Policy Research at the UCLA Fielding School of Public Health was released. New data from the 2021 California Health Interview SurveyIs trying to shed light on Californians’ views on obtaining vaccines and following proposed safety protocols.
Report highlights:
- One in ten adults (12%) says they will not be vaccinated. Adults in the Northern / Sierra and San Joaquin regions were more likely to report unvaccinated in 20.6% and 20.5%, respectively.
- The groups that reported the highest rate of non-vaccination were black residents (22.1%), multi-ethnic adults (21.1%), and Latino residents (13.6%). Due to the small sample size, no data have been reported for Native Americans, Alaska Natives, Native Hawaiians, and Pacific Islanders (NHPI).
- The poorest adults were more likely to report unvaccinated than those with the highest income levels. The study also found that 18.1% of adults with incomes between 0 and 99% of federal poverty levels were not vaccinated compared to 9.4% of adults with incomes above 300% of poverty levels. I will.
- The study also reported that adults with a high school degree or less than a high school degree were more likely to report that they would not be vaccinated. It was compared to adults who had a higher education. Compared to adults with a bachelor’s degree (7.7%) or a graduate degree (3.2%), 15.7% of adults with a high school degree and 18.3% of adults with a high school degree said they would not be vaccinated. I did.
Feller admitted that the shot wasn’t perfect, but “continues to be a powerful tool for reducing transmission,” she said, as was the low-tech use of masks indoors.
“Adding masking to everyone indoors adds a layer of protection against the highly infectious Delta variant,” she said on Tuesday. And, unfortunately, the proliferation of cases is unfortunate, but compliance with the new Mask Directive and improved vaccination rates provide a strategy for returning to low infection rates. “
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